H. Prakrta Grammars
Ends —
शिष्यानुद्दिश्यैवं चकार भाषानुशासनं सुमतिः ।
श्रेयस्करः कविवृषां मनीषिणां तोषपोषाय ॥ इति भाषानुशासनं समाप्तम् ॥
Śabdānuśāsanalaghuvịtti अध्याय ८
Chapter VIII
1407 No. 293
1887-91 Size — 104 in. by 44 in. Extent - (45-16 - ) 29 leaves, 15 lines of text to a page, about
50 letters to a line.
Description - Country paper. Devanāgari characters with gehias,
clear and legible writing generally correct. Margins ruled in black and red. Square blanks in the centre, with red tilakas in the first two. Foll. 6 and 18 torn at the left-hand lower corner, many other leaves slightly worm-eaten. Numerous marginal notes in a minute hand all round the text. Use of red chalk. Foll. 16, 19-33 missing. The edges slightly worn off so as to destroy parts of the notes. Incomplete, Adhyāya VIII only, the first pāda ending on fol. 11 a, the second on fol. 18b, (with one leaf wanting). The third is altogether wanting except the first few lines.
Age - The Ms. appears considerably old.
Author - Hemacandra.
Subject - Prakrit grammar.
Begins --- 3 1 879 a 11 9797
a at a Tá an 42 [Dee. Cat. Vol. II, Pt. II }
paarafaif sieraarcretari genta: disch etc.