E. Sārasvata
जिनाज्ञा(जिनाज्ञा )पृथु यशसि श्रीजिनहर्षसूरिविजयराज्ये श्रीश्रीश्रीसाधुहर्षोपाध्यायानां शिष्येन(ण) विमलेनात्मपठनार्थ लिखितेयं, श्रीमदाल्हादनपुरे। श्रीः॥ Verse 2 is a part of the Colophon given on foll. 16b, and 25a at the end of the first and the second ers respectively, The Hearrant of verse 1 appears to be the anthor's गुरू but who is नरेंद्रनगरी? Cf. No. 195/1881-82 [Serial - No. 241 above].