तत्साधु चेत्साधुभिरग्र्यधीभिः
दूज्यं न नूनमिति पापकरी ह्यसूया ॥ ४॥ Colophon - इति श्रीभट्टमाधवविरचिता सिद्धान्तरत्नावली नाम सारस्वतस्य टीका
संवद्दर्शनदस्युशैलभपतावब्दे ........ Reference-See No. 805 of Prof. Eggelings' catalogue of the
SK. Ms. in the India Office Library. Rajendralal Mitra, Notices of Sk. Mss. IX, p. 187. Also see Ms. 241/1892-95 [=Serial No.221 above].
सिद्धान्तरमावली No. 234
678 1891-95
Size -10 in. by41 in.
Exteht - 133 leaves, 10 lines to a page, 52 letters to a line. Description -Country paper. Devanagari characters with occa.
sional पृष्ठमात्राs. Clear and legible writing, fairly accurate. Margins ruted in red. Occasional marginal corrections.
Complete. Age -The Ms. is rather old in appearance.
For all other particulars see 263 of 1884-86 [= Serial No. 233 above].
Siddhāntaratnāvali No. 235
1886-92 Size -10 in. by 41 in. Extent-100 Peaves, 19 lines in a page, about 52 lotters in a line,