#. sarasvata
Sārapradipika सारस्वतप्रक्रियाटीका
Com. on Sārasvataprakriya
194 No. 118
1882-83 Size - 101 in. by 4 in. Extent -- (37 - 7=) 30 leaves, 16 lines to a page, 38 letters toe
a line. Description -Country paper. Devanagari characters, careless and
often incorrect writing. Wants fol. 1 and foll. 25-30, and goes to the end (or very nearly the end) of the आख्यात
section. Incomplete. Age - The Ms. is old in appearance. Author - Though the colophon does not give the name of the
author, on comparison it is found to be the work of Jagannātha.
Subject -As in the two preceding Mss. Begins -- (first fol. missing) अनुभूतिस्वरूपाय तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः । Ends - कुतश्चित् कारणात् क्रियाऽनिष्पत्तौ यदासिष्य इत्यास उपवेशने भूतमात्रेति
- अद्यतने भूद्यतने च अभूद् वृष्टिः अद्य वा पूर्वेद्युः दादेः परत्यत्र धेट्शाछा
साम्रा एते वादादयः। इति श्रीसारप्रदीपीका समाता॥श्री॥ शुभं भवतु ॥ ॥ श्रीरस्तु ॥ ॥छ ॥ ॥छ ॥ ॥ श्रीः ।।
A gloss on Sarasvata No. 179
1884-87 . Size - 111 in. by 5 in. Extent - (17-1= ) 16 leaves, 17 lines to a page, about 48 letters
to a line.