C. Hemacandra
Extent 35 leaves, 17 lines to a page, about 54 letters to a line. Description - Old country paper, rendered much fragile, possibly on account of long exposure. Devanagarl characters with
, bold and beautiful handwriting fairly accurate. Margins ruled in black with square blanks in the centre. Red chalk throughout used. The corners slightly damaged especially of first and last leaves. Lacunae occur in some places. Contains only the first 4 of 5 S of Amaracandra's Syādiśabdasamuccaya.
Age Appears considerably old. For all other particulars see No. 1428 of 1887-91 [ Serial No. 130 above].
No. 132
Size 9 in. by 4 in.
Extent 3 leaves, 11 lines to a page, 32 letters to a line.
Country paper. Devanagari characters with partial , bold and legible writing, correct on the whole. Contains the fars only without the commentary. Complete.
Age- -The Ms. is old in appearance.
श्रीसारदां हृदि ध्यात्वा स्यादिशब्दसमुच्चयं । anterregret afà: katarıpoft: 11 2 u शब्दाः पुल्लिंग स्त्रीलिंगाः स्युर्न्नपुंसकलिंगकाः । स्त्रीपुल्लिंगकाः पुंक्लीबलिंगाः स्त्रीक्लोबलिंगकाः ॥ २ ॥ त्रिलिंगका अलिंगाश्च वाच्यलिंगा अपि क्रमात् । नवप्रकारः शब्दानां लिंगभेदो भवत्ययं ॥ etc.
Amaracandra, pupil of Jinadattasūri.
Subject Declensions and their irregularities distributed in 4 heads, स्वरांतशब्द, व्यंजनांतशब्द, सर्वनामगणशब्द, and संख्याशब्द:
Begins - ॐ नमः श्रुतदेवतायै