Extent - 8 leaves, 15 lines to a pago, 50 letters to a line. Description - Country paper. Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs,
bold and legible writing, fairly accurate. Margins ruled, red strokes for punctuation, square blanks in the centre.
Contains 6th and 7th Adhyāyas only. Age - The Ms. is not very old in appearance. Author - Hemacandra. Subject - Aphorisms of grammar. Begins - अहं । तद्धितोणादिः । etc. Ends ---संबंधिनां संबंधे । समर्थः पदविधिः ॥ १२२ ॥ इत्याचार्यश्रीहेमचंद्रानुस्मृते
सिद्धहेमचंद्रनाम्नि शब्दानुशासमे(ने) सप्तमस्याध्यायस्य चतुर्थः पादः।
क्षितिधव भवदीयैः क्षीरधारावल: रिपुषिजययशोभिः श्वेत एवः(वा)सिदंडः । किमुकवंलिखिस्तैः(?) कजलैमा(र्मा )लवीनां
परिणतमहिमानं कालिमानं तनोति ॥२८॥ (This figure 28 refers to the number of such verses in praise of the king Mülarāja, each occurring at the end of each Pāda of each Adhyāya). शुभं भवतु कल्याणमस्तु॥
299 No. 129
A-1883-84 Size - 101 in. by 41 in. Extent - 26 leaves, 15 lines to a page, 48 letters to a line. Description-Country paper. bored by worms, especially towards
the end. Devanagari characters with पृष्ठमात्राs. Margins, carefully ruled in red and black, red chalk used and punctuation strokes given in red ink. Square blanks in the