Ć. Hemacandra
Extent --- 16 leaves, 16 lines to a page, 54 letters to a line.
Description - Country paper. Devanāgari characters with LEHTES.
Clear and legible writting. Margins ruled in black, square blanks in the centre. Omissions occasionally supplied in the margins. Red ink used for punctuating and giving the number of the sūtras. Fol. 10 omitted in counting, though there is no break. Only a fragment from II. 3. 1-IIJ. 2. 116 and 117 incomplete. This Ms. was formerly placed with another (now numbered 1906 ) named af said
to be the work of one Nandasundara. Age - Not very old in appearanee. Begins - Feria: Fauf T: A: 11 gradinarit: Antyrat: etc. Ends – ga glà fan i glatere I BITIEU PAI Tetta II — here abruptly
breaks off the Ms. The usual colophon occurs on fol. 7aइत्याचार्यश्रीहेमचंदवरि(?)चितायां स्वोपज्ञशब्दानुशासनलघुवृत्तौ द्वितीयोET :) : 11
No. 116
1880-81 Size - 147 in. by 2 in. Extent - 137 leaves, 4 to 5 lines to a page, 45–50 letters to a line. Description - The Ms. is written on tough palm-leaves in good
preservation except for the fact that some leaves are slightly worm-eaten in the middle or the right side margin. Written in bold and clear Devanāgari characters with THIS; generally correct. Holes for string and red tilakas in the centre. Red chalk often used. Goes down from the beginning to the end of the 2nd Pāda, 3rd
Adhyāya. Aga - Saxivat 1315.