Addenda of Vol. XVII, pt. 1
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Add after 798 (this is the date for the 2nd śrutaskandha ; that of the ist is Śaka Saṁvat 772 i.e. V.S. 907). To be explicit : Part I was composed in V.S. 907 5 and Part II in V.S. 919 or 933.
Váhari Gani assisted Silanka Sūri when he composed a com. on Sūyagada. This Sūri is different from siláňka, the author of Caūpaņņamahāpurisacariya. Some identify him 10 as 'guru' of Vanarāja of the Căpoța dynasty. See Prabhāvakacarita ( XIV, v. 105 ff.), My article "शीलांकसूरि ते कोण" is published in Jaina Satya Prakāśa ( Vol. XVII, nos. 1-3). Add after 17: The names of his father, mother 15 and lineage are respectivaly Säha Megharāja, Kamaladevi and Copadă. He was born in V. S.
1524. He took dikșa in V. S. 1535 and died in • V.S. 1582 at Påtan. Add in Reference : For comparison see 'A:39- 20 marrafaaipaaft (sec. 2. pp. 1-3) and an afectन्तविषमपदपर्याय (also called "सिद्धान्तकोश) composed by Jinabhadra Súri, pupil of Jinarāja Süri. Add after Harşakula : pupil of Kulacarana, grand. One of his additional works is Vasudevacarita 25 dated V.S. 1557. For his other works see Vol. XVII. (pt. 5, P, 19, fn. 3 ).
1 This is compiled (? composed ) by Candrakirti Gani, pupil of Vimala Sûri in about V. S. 1212. He wrote Paryāyas when he was studying kośa under Dharmaghoșa.
This work is edited Paryayās by Lābhasāgara Gani and published in 30 • Āgamoddhāraka Granthamälä'as No. 53 in V.S. 2029. Its section I deals with Siddbanta vicāras and section Il with paryāyas. On pp. 90-94 of sec. I, gāthās and paryāyas of Panoavatthuga are givon. This is followed by 'pariţişta.
2 This is mentioned in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 421 ). 3 Ibid., p. 421.
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