536. ] The Svetāmbara Narratives
287 Age.- Sarivat 1753. Begins.- fol. 1° ९ ५० ॥ श्रीगौतमाय नमः ॥
___ अथ श्रीसुव्रतस्वामि etc. as in No. 534. Ends.- fol. 90
तत[:]स्तान् तत्रैव मुक्ता etc. up to इति प्रस(श)स्ति() | as in s No. 534. This is followed by the lines as under :
सकलभट्टारकश्रा(श्री)५श्रीविजयप्रभुसुरिस्वरशिष्यमहोपाध्यायश्री५उदयविजयगणिशिष्यगणितत्त्वविजयलिषितं श्री द्वीप'बंदिरे श्रीलवलक्ष्य. पार्श्वप्रसादात् शुभं भवतु लेखकपाठकयोस्तु[:] श्री छ ।
संवत् १७५३ वर्षे वेशाष सुदि ३ दिने मंगलवारे इति मंगलमालिका 10 लिखितं स्वपरोपगा(का)राय N. B.- For additional information see No. 534.
180. No. 536
1881-82. IS Size.-- 113 in. by 51 in. Extent.-489-1-55-28-13-177%215 folios ; II lines to a page ; 37
letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, tough and grey ; Jaina Deva.
nagari characters with occasional पृष्ठमात्राs; big, quite legible, 20 uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink ; red chalk used to mark out the numbering for the verses; yellow pigment profusely used for making corrections ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins ; edges of some of the foll. slightly gone ; condition on the 25 whole good ; foll. I, 3 to 57, 62 to 89, 298 to 310 and 312 to 488 missing; so the work is incomplete ; it ends with
the 4th verse of the 63rd sarga. Age.- Old.
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