The Svetambara Narratives
lines in black ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins; fol. 1© blank except that मुनिपतिचरित्र प्राकृत सूड written on it; fol. 57 blank ; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; in some cases this space as well as the central portion in each of the two margins are decorated with a small spot in red colour ; foll. 25, 26 and 33 missing; edges and corners of several foll. worn out; so in number of cases the numbering of foll. is gone; some on the foll. slightly worm-eaten ; condition on the whole tolerably good; there is some blank to space kept on the right-hand side on fol. 1a probably with a view to decorate it with an illustration of one of the Tirthankaras; foll. 28 and the following do not seem to belong to this work.
Age. - Pretty old.
Author - Not known.
Subject. - Life of king Munipati in Prakrit.
Begins. fol. 1b
६० ॐ नमः सर्वज्ञाय [ : ] ॥
कमलदलविपुलनयना | कमलमुखी कमलगर्भसमगौरी । कमले स्थिता भगवती ददातु श्रुतदेवता सिद्धिं ॥ १ सिद्धं सिद्धत्थणरिंदाणं सिद्धसासणं पयओ । नमिऊण वद्धमाणं पवद्रुमाणं गुणगणेहिं ॥ २ वोच्छं मुणिवइपत्थिवचरियं सुपसत्थविच्छयमहत्थं । फुडवियडपायडत्थं गुरुवइटुं समास (से)णं ॥ ३ etc.
Ends.- fol, 27b
महिला एस ई सवस्स करेंति व मणुस्साई । तस्स न करेंति नवरं जस्स यलं कामियव्येणं ॥ मज्झत्थं अच्छंता सयणोजं पयसि ज्झायसे किंतु । किंs
Begins abruptly. fol. 28©
Jain Education International
सुहं व असुहं व इह भवे जीवा । सो तस्स फलं भुंजह परलोए अप्पणो चेव ॥
तो मा रागदोसवसगया पहरह सत्तेसु अणवराहेसु । etc.
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