The Svetāmbara Works
Description. -- Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Deva
någari characters with occasional qualas; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; numbers for verses, their dandas etc. written in red ink ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in red ink; space between these pairs 5 coloured red; edges ruled singly in red ink ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin ; fol. 1 blank ; so is fol. 140; in the left-hand margin the title is written as HETUTTIA: ; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and the unnumbered sides as well; edges of 10 several foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole tolerably
good ; complete ; composed in Samvat 1725 at Rajanagara. Age.- Samvat 1762. Author.- Jñānasāgara, pupil of Māņikyasāgara. For his additional
works see D CGCM ( Vol. XIX, sec. 2, pt. 1, p. 74). 15 Subject.- A story of Nandisena, son of Srenika in Gujarati in verse.
This is based upon various works such as Mahānisiha (VI ). Upadesamalavrtti, Rsimandalavrti & Viracaritra of
Hemacandra Sūri. Begins.- fol. 1° ५६० ॥ श्रीजिनाय नमः ॥
दूहा ॥ सूत सीद्वा(द्धा)रघ(थ) भूपनउ । वरधमांन जिणचंद । प्रणमु तेह परमेसरू । उच्छक परमाणंद ॥ १॥ नंदिषेण मुनिवर तणा । गातां गुण उल्हासि ।
सेवक संभारी करी । देयो वचनविलास ॥ २ ॥ etc. Ends.- fol. 130
गच्छे । अंचलि' गिरूआ गच्छनायक etc. up to ऋद्धि सीद्धि नीति गेहि रे ॥ १७ ॥ as in No. 326. This is followed by the line as under :
भवि सूत्र भणउ मनरंगि॥ सर्वगाथा २८३ ॥ इति श्रीनंदिषण- 30 चपई संपूर्ण ॥ सर्वगाथा श्लोकसंख्या ॥ ४२१॥ संवत् १७६२ वर्षे मागशिरशुदि १५ दिने सोमवासरे ॥ श्री राजपुर मध्ये श्रीनेमिनाथप्रशादात् पूज्यश्रीपश्रीविशालसोमसूरिप्रसादात् पं.श्रीसिद्धसोमगणिलषीतं श्रा.. श्रीवेलिबाईवांचनार्थ ॥ शुभं भवतु ॥ कल्याणमस्तु ॥ श्रीरस्तुः ॥ श्री ॥
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