Jaina Literature and Philosophy
[ 403.
संवत् १६९२ वर्षे प्रथम भाद्रपदसिततृतीयाबुधवारे । भट्टारकश्रीपश्रीविजयसेनसूरीश्वरप्रथमशिष्यपंडितश्रीपश्रीसंघविजयगणिशिष्यमुख्यगण
देवविजयो लिलेख । स्ववाचनकृते शिष्यपाठनकृते वा । N. B.-- For additional information see No. 402.
5 प्रधुम्नचरित्र
818. No. 404
1895-1902. Size.- 9 in, by 43 in. Extent.- 114-1-1 = 112 folios; 13 lines to a page; 42 letters to a
10 Description.- Country paper thin, tough and white; Devanāgari
characters with पृष्ठमात्राs; big, clear and elegant hand-writ. ing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used ; strips of paper pasted to edges of several foll. 3 some foll. slightly worm-eaten ; condition tolerably good ; numbers for foll. entered twice as usual ; fol. 66 wrongly numbered as 67; so the following numbered as 68, 69 etc.;
the ist fol. lacking; otherwise complete. Age.- Old. Begins--- fol. 2
चक्रिरे तन्त्र समवसरणं शरणार्थिनां ।
शरण्यं तरक्षणादेव मणिस्वर्णहिमांशुमिः ॥ १८ etc. Ends.- fol. 1136
समजनिष्ट etc. up to वाचकवररत्नचंद्र इति चरितं ॥ १५ ॥ as in ___No. 402. This is followed by the line as under :
इति श्रीप्रद्यम्नचरित्रप्रशस्तिः ॥ ___N. B.-- For additional particulars see No. 402.
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