Jaina Literature and Philosophy
तास गच्छि श्रीयुगप्रधान । वाचक लक्ष्मीरत्न अभिधांन । तास सीस कर जोडी कहइ ।भणइ गणइ ते सवि बुद्धि लहइ ॥ ९ etc. मुणि हरजी कहइ धरी आणंद जयु रास जा तपइ दिणंद etc. सरसति मात प्रसादि करी । अमी समी वाणी उच्चरी । दूहा श्लोक अनइं चुपई । पांच सई उगणीसा (५१९) हुई ॥ १७ रचिउ रास मुनि हरजी सार । भणइ गणइ विशेषि विचारि । एकचित्त जे नरनारी संभलइ । निश्चिंतेह घरि अफलां फलइ ॥१८॥ इति पुण्यपालरास संपूर्ण ॥ छ ॥ श्री।।। सं० १६३९ वर्षे ज्येष्ठवदि १ सोमे चे. हरजी लषितं ॥ कृतं ॥ 'ऊर्णाक'पुरे ॥ श्री ॥ छ॥ ग्रंथाप्रश्लोकसंख्या ॥७०० ॥ लेषकपाठकयोः चिरं जीयात् ॥
श्रीरस्तु ॥ शुभं भवतु ।। श्री ॥ छ । श्री ॥ छ ॥ श्री. Reference.- It seems that the following erroneous entry in Jaina
Gurjara Kavio pertains to this very work in case great is हरजी and पुण्यपापरास is पुण्यपालरास.
" हरखली १६३९ पदेला (२३४ ) पुण्यपापरास (प्रत १६३९)".
Pujāsta kakathā (पूयट्टयकहा )
( Puyatthayakaha )
760. No. 391
1892-95, 20 Size.- 328 in. by 4: in.
Extent. - 17-4 =13 folios ; 18 lines to a page ; 64 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Deva.
nāgari characters with frequent garli; small, quite legible, uniforin and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin ; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and the unnumbered sides as well; edges of each and every fol. parıly gone ; condition tolerably good; yellow pigment used for making corrections
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