Jaina Literature and Philosophy
1, 2 etc. and once as 127, 128, etc.; unnumbered sides have a disc in red colour in the centre; the numbered have over and above this, small squares in the margins; complete; condition good; this Ms. contains the following additional works:
( 1 ) चैत्यवन्दनवृत्ति
( 2 ) वन्दनक विवरण
( 3 ) प्रत्याख्यानवृत्ति
( 4 ) कायोत्सर्गदोष
(5) श्रमणोपासक प्रतिक्रमणसूत्र विवरण
Age.- Old.
Begins. fol. 1b
Ends.- tol. 9b
foll. 10 to 13 (No. 848)
13b 16a (No. 858)
16a 18b (No. 1273)
18 No. 1204)
foll. 18 to 21 (No. 932)
Tilaka (?) Sūri.
The Ms. commences by referring to the mudras. Then it deals with Jayaviyarayasutra and its commentary based upon Lalitavistară. The next topic treated here refers to various labdhis and is taken from Pākṣikasūtravṛtti and Yogaśästravṛtti. This is followed by the definition of jñāna, dfgfgift ( fol. 3b f.), the 12 types of penance etc.
गुणस्थानानि ॥
Jain Education International
॥ ६० ॥ पंचगो पणिवाओ थुइपाढो होइ जोगमुद्दाए । वंद जिण मुद्दाए पणिहाणं मुत्तसुत्तीए । १ etc.
मिथ्यादृष्टिसास्वादनमम्य मिथ्यादृष्टि अविरतसम्यकदृष्टिविरताविरतप्रमत्ताप्रमत्तनिवृत्त्यनिवृत्तिबादरसूक्ष्मोपशान्तक्षीणमोहसयोयो...
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