IV. 4. Malasatras
विशारदैः सूरिवरै :]वि(वि)हारिभि
विशोधिता यत्र परायणरिय
... ... शीलरुपापरैः ॥ ९ ॥ शुभाशयवशाह यन्मया सुकृतं कृतं तेन भूयान्ममाभ्यासः सदैव जिना... एकादशशतैरधिकरशीत्या विक्रमाद्रतैः ।।
द्वे सहस्र शतैरधिके सप्तभिग्रंथमानतः ॥ छ । संवत् १२७५ वर्षे कार्तिकशुदि ५ गुरौ अोह श्रीम(5)दणहिलपाटके' पूज्यश्रीकुलप्रभसूरियोग्या ठक्कर आशापाल ठ० सूहदेव्याः सुतया सूमलश्राविकया पाक्षिकसूत्रवृत्तिपुस्तिका लेखिता' ॥ छ ।
शिवाय भवतु ॥ छ ।। etc. N. B.- For further particulars see No. 1151.
214. No. 1157
1871-72. Size.-- 104 in. by 48 in. Extent.- 6 folios ; 23 lines to a page ; 7o letters to a line. Description.-- Country paper very thin and greyish ; Jaina Deva
nagari characters with occasional पृष्ठमात्राs; very small, clear and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; edges of the 6th fol. slightly damaged ; con
dition on the whole good ; red chalk used ; complete. Age.-- Pretty old. Author.- Not mentioned. Subject.— A small commentary on the Pākṣikasūtra based upon
the bigger commentary by Yaśobhadrasúri. Begins.- fol. I तित्थं चशब्दादतीतानागतादीन् । तीर्थ विभक्तिव्यत्ययात् ।
पाठांतरतो वा तित्थं ति । etc. 1 If this is to be taken as लिखिता meaning ' written', then this is a Ms. written by a female For a Ms. of Malayagiri Suri's con]. on Avassaya written by a braviki pamed Rupăde, soe Jainacitrakalpadruma (Punyavijayaji's article, p. 53 loot-note 70).
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