Jaina Literature and Philosophy
(740. Ends.- (com.) fol. 24 SET TITTI TUTTO I TE TET I spent = HTET
विश्रामस्थानानि तत्र सप्त एकैकपदा । अत्या तु द्विपदेति नमस्कारार्थः । Reference.-- Both the text and the commentary are included in
Anekārtharatnamanjūşā (pp. 1-6 ) edited by me and published in Sheth D. L. J. P. F. Series as No. 81 in A. D. 1933. For other details see No. 734.
नमस्कारमन्त्र बालावबोधसहित No. 741
Namaskāramantra with bālāvabodha
742. 1892-95.
Size.--- 9 in. by 44 in. Extent.-- 4 folios ; 12 lines to a page ; 34 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper rough and grey ; Devanagari chara
cters; big, clear and tolerably good hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; red chalk used ; yellow pigment, too; edges of all the foll. are slightly damaged ; condition on the whole good : both the text and its explanation complete so far as they go, that is to say the
cúlikā and its explanation are not to be found here. Age.--- Old. Author of the bālāvabodha.- Not mentioned. Subject.- Obeisance to the five Paramesphins in Prakrit and its
explanation in detail in Gujarātī, with quotations in
Prakrit. Begins.- (text ) fol. 14 TÆT SENTUT 1 1 - (com.) fol. 1° HIETU TAFETT Benia Háaat ganti faktor
33 à fuftea etc. Ends.- (text) fol. 36 FAT DIE TAIZOI
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