Upapāta -34916 - Instantaneous birth, i.e. the birth of celestial and infernal beings. Uparidvāra - 34fGFR - Overdoor. Upapī tha - 34478 - Sub base below south Indian adhisthāna. Uparyukta - 346 - Foregoing. Uparitana sthiti - 34fcafeefa - Upper lifetime. Upasampadā - 34244467 - Approach- ing a teacher in another admission of disciples. Upasarga - 344f - State of affliction, Calamity. Upasargavada - उपसर्गवाद - Doctrine of prefixes. Upasthāpana - 3421149 - Readmission into the order of monks and nuns. Upasth a pana - 3421471 - Reinitiation. Upašama - 34914 - Subsidence, Partial suppression, Suppression of Karmas. Just as the mud in water settles down when clearing nuts are put into it, so also the karmic matter does not mani. fest its power in the soul due to causes (i.e. the disposition of the soul). This is called subsidence.
S-2/1 Upašama caritra - 34214 zifa - Subsidence character.. Upasama sren i . 34914 stunt - Subsidential ladder, Subsidence progression. Upa's amana karana - 3491470The process of subsidence. Upasamaka - 3481495 - Suppressor, The suppressor of conduct deluding karmas, Subsider.
Upašamaka aniv rttikaraṇa-34814
fagffrantut - Subsiderinvariantoperation. Upasamaka apurvakarana- उपशमक
Tychy - Subsider unprecented operation. Upasama Karma - 34814 go of - Subsider functional Upasama Kasaya - 34914 974 - Subsided affection. Upasama samyaktva - 34914 RAKO - Subsidential right belief, Subsidence serenity. Upašam samyaktva -34914 Ferra - The belief in the 9 categories produced by the subsidence of right belief deluding karma and of the four error feeding passions is subsidential right belief (3491A PRR) (and is) like water with its dirty mud settled down. Upasama sattvakāla. 34914 7900119Subsidence state period. Upašānta dravya - 3481177504 - Subsidence fluent. Upasan
. 3481 994 - Whose passions are subsided, Subsided delusion, State of subsided delusion. Upasanta moha - उपशान्त मोह - The saint with quiescent passions, Subsided delusion, The 11th Guñasthāna in which all the cārtra mohan i ya karmas are rendered inoperative. Upasthā pana -3464797- Reinitiation. It consists in initiation into the order once again. Upavasa - 34974 - Fasting - Abstaining from the pleasures of the five senses such as sounds and dwelling in the self