Upacara vinaya. उपचार विनय - Rev- Upakaranarjana - उपकरणार्जन - Ac. erential homage, Observing properquisition of ways and means. forms of respect. Reverence to the Upakara - 34001 - Assistance, Funccustom of homage. Rising up, offering tion, benevolence, contributory part. welcome and making obeisance in the
Upalabdhi - 3451 - Perception. presence of the head of the order of ascetics and other greatones constitute
Upalabdhi hetu - 3441f@ to - Cause reverential homage. S-9/23
of valid cognition, Established hypoth
esis. Upacarita svabhava- उपचरित स्वभावFormal nature.
Uplabdhi sama - 34616@ 741 - Parity Upacarita - 34afia - Figurative.
per apprehension.
Upalaksaņa - 3467870 - Senedoche. Upadesa - 34681 - Instruction.
Upalambha - 34674 - Observation. Upadeša ruci - 3421pfe - Right
Upapatti - 34467 - Demonstration. belief produced by a sermon.
Upapatti samā - 3442 HTAT - Parity Upadhānayukta -3487 447 - Cush
per logical ground. ioned.
Upamandira - 344fGe - Subshrine. Upādhi - 341144 - Possessions, Paraphernalia.
Upama - 3441 - Simile. Upadravana -34604 - Pain or trouble.
Upama pramana-उपमा प्रमाण - Simile Upaghāta - 34217 - Self annihilation
measure. blaming true knowledge or calling it
Upama loka . उपमा लोक - Simile false is dispragement. S-6/10
universe. Upaghata nama karma . उपघात नाम
Upamana - 34414 - Analogy, Comoff- That on the rise of which there is
parison. self annihilation by hanging, falling
Upamiti - 34fafa-Comparative knowl. from a cliff etc. is the name karma of
edge. self destruction.
S-8/11 Upanagar - 34PR - Suburb. Upagraha - 397 - Help, Benevo- Upanaya - 3479 - Application. lence.
Upanayabhasa - 342TYT - SubUpagrama - 34414 - Hamlet. support fallacy. Upagūhana - 3467 - Overlooking Upanaya sopanaya - 34974 71974 - others faults.
Anecdote used as example. Upagūhana -34167-Redeeming the Upapāda - 3497C - Instantaneous rise, defects of ineffective believers.
as the birth of celestial and infernal Upakrama - 34544 - Sub-order. beings, transmigration. Upapad is the Uphara - 34ER - Oblation.
seat to which the soul goes and in which
it is born. It is the particular name of the Upakarana - 3426200 - Adornment of
seat of the birth of celestial and infernal the body, Monastic outfit.