(42) Avasthita vedaka - Stafeta a Gato - Avigrahā gati - 31 fauen ifa - RectilinStable pathetic.
ear motion. Avasthiti - 3afcera - Fixity. Avigrahā gati - (Trauerfa) - That Avastu - 31941 - Non substance, Un. motion in which there is no bend is real.
avigrah à gati. It occurs To the liberated Avayava - 37949 - Part.
S-2127 Avayavi - 394at - Aggregate.
Avihimsa . falch - Absence of
violence. Avacaniya - अवचनीय - Unfit to be taught, Inexpressible.
Avij ñatartha . 3fazlaef - UnintAvācya - 370124 - Speechless.
elligible assertion. Avāya - 1974 - Judgement, Percep
Avikalpa - fancy - Undetermined, tual judgement
Absence of misgiving.
Avikalpaka - 34facimyo - IndetermiAvāya - (37ara) - Judgement. Knowing the object as it is after ascertaining
nate intuition. the particulars is Judgement. By its Avikāri . facri - Non disturbing. movement up and down and by the Avinābhāva. 34fa714a - Universal flapping of the wings, it is ascertained
concomitance. that it is a crane only and not a flag.
Avinabhävi - A4 - ConcomiS-1/15
tant characteristics. Avedaka - 342160p - Non enjoyer.
Avineya - 341974 - Ill behaved, IndeAvibhakta - 34f9401 - Indeterminate.
corous. Avibhaga praticcheda • अविभाग
Avineya - (fata) - The ill bebaved ufetesor - Infinitesimal degrees, Indi- - are those who don't listen to the truth visible corresponding section.
and don't cultivate virtues. S-7/11. Avibhaga agra . अविभाग अग्र - Cor
Avin i ta - ferita - Insolent. responding degree.
Avipar i tartha - zafantaef - What is Avibhāga amša - 3fay BiCrresponding level.
not contrary to the fact.
Avirata - fara - Non abstinence, Avibhāgi - faunit - Infinitesimal.
Without partial vows, Non-abstinence, Avicala - sifaan - Steadfast. Non-abstaining layman, Vowless right Avicara - 3faar - Devoid of transi
believer. tion:
Avirata samyagdrsti - अविरत सम्याAvicāraka - 3faro - Undiscussive. çre- True believers without vows, Avicyuti - sifaayfa - Absence of lapse.
Vowless right belief. Avidyamāna - E14 - Absent.
Avirati - farfa - Absense of moral
discipline, Non stopping from sinning, Avidyā - Sfael - Ignorance.
Non regulation, Non abstinence. Avigrahā. IfQUET - Without a bend, Aviradhana - 3 FORTSATT - Non-violabendless motion.