Avara sthiti - अवर स्थिति
Avarga - Non square. Avarṇavada-qua-Blasphemy. Avar navada - अवर्णवाद - Attributing faults to or slandering the great ones is avarn avada. Faults may be attributed in the following ways "The omniscients eat morsels of food and conduct themselves like ordinary men. The scriptures recommend meat-eating and drinking of wine. The ascetics are baseborn and are lacking in cleanliness etc. The religion taught by lord "Jina' (Tirthamkara) is devoid of merit. Those who follow it will be reborn as demons. The celestial beings eat meat and drink wine. S-6/13 Parity
Avarnya samà - अवर्ण्यसमा per certainty.
Avava - - A period consisting of eighty four lakhs of avavān gas. Avava nga - अववाङ्ग - A period consisting of eighty four lakhs of aṭatas. Avasanna 394 Feldown. Avasarpin iffoft-Down phase of the cycle, Desending cycle of time. Avasarpin i Kāla - अवसर्पिणी काल Descending cycle of time - That by whose nature knowledge etc. becomes less is the descending cycle of time. The descending cycle is of six divisions namely suṣama suṣama, Suṣamā, Suṣamaduṣṣama, Duṣṣamā suṣamā, Duş sama, Atidus sama. - S-3/27 अवसर्पिणी काल The present half cycle of time is known as Avasarpin i Kāla. It commenced 10 kora-kori (1
kora-kori = 10,000,000) (10,000,000) O.Y.S. less 395000 years ago, roughly speaking. At its commencement the conditions of things on our little earth resembled those in a bhogabhūmi. There are six aras (spokes) in a halfcycle of time. The duration of the first and of our half cycle was 4 kora-kori, of the second 3 kora-kori, of the third, 2 kora-kori, and of the fourth, 1 korākori O.Y.S. Less 42,000 years. The duration of the fifth (which is now running) will be 21,000 years, and of the sixth, the same as that of the fifth.
The Avasarpini is the descending arc, because it is the arc of deterioration. All things have become deteriorated and will further deteriorate in this period. The other half-cycle will be the reverse of this. Longevity and stature as well as the conditions of existence have been affected alike. The bhoga-bhumi like felicity began to disappear long-long ago, and was completely destroyed before the commencement of the fourth ara of our half cycle. People were then forced to sweat for their living, and the idea of private proprietorship gradually formed itself in their minds.
Avasa - Dependent. Avasada 319HG - Anguish. Avasthana-3-Pervasiveness,
Avaseṣa Relics, Vestiges, Traces, Findspots. Avasthita - Steady, Fixed in mumber, Limited or bounded, Constant, Stayed, Stable.
Avasthita praksepa - अवस्थित प्रक्षेप - Stayed projection.