वैधर्म्य की अपेक्षा नव प्रकार का दृष्टान्ताभास- असिद्ध साध्य व्यतिरेक, असिद्ध साधन व्यतिरेक, असिद्ध उभय व्यतिरेक, संदिग्घसाध्य व्यतिरेक, संदिग्धसाधन व्यतिरेक, संदिग्ध उभय व्यतिरेक, अव्यतिरेक, अप्रदर्शित व्यतिरेक तथा विपरीत व्यतिरेक । In respect of heterogeneity also, the fallacy of the example isofnine modes. These are - that in which the negation of the proven is unproved; that in which the negation of the reason is unproved; that in which the negation of both is unproved; that in which the negation of the proven is doubtful; that in which the negation of the reason is doubtful; that in which the negation of both is doubtful; that in which there is no negative relation between the proven and the reason); that in which the negative re- lation (between the proven and the rea- son) is unshown; that in which the negative relation (between the proven and the reason is shown in an inverse order.
P. 6/69-70. 1. 3tH Hree fico - Inference is fallacious; because it is valid knowl- edge; whatever is not fallacious is not
character of valid knowledge not receding from inference. P. 6172. 3. sificatore italiano - Sound is both eternal and non-eternal; because it is existent; whatever is not both eternal and non-eternal is not existent; as for instance, the pillar; this is an instance in which the negation of both (the proven and the reason) in the heterogeneous example is
nproved, the fact of both eternity and non-eternity and the fact of existence, not receding from the pillar.
P. 6/73. 4. Hif UTEZ arka – Kapila is not omniscient noran authority; because he upholds the doctrine of the absolute unmomentariness; One who is omniscient or an authority upholds the doctrine of the absolute momentariness: as for instance, Sugata : This is an instance in which the negation of the proven (in the heterogeneous example) is doubtful, the non existence of the proven - phenomena of inomnisciertçe and nonauthoritativeness being doubtful in Sugata.
P.6/74. 5. af GUATT Ria - The person referred to is non whose words are not to be accepted; because he has passions etc. One whose words are to be accepted is free from passionsetc; as for instance, the son of Suddhodana, this is an instance, in which the negation of the reason in the heterogenous example is doubtful, the negation of having passions etc., being doubtful in the son of Suddhodana.
. : P. 6/75. 6. Hic utata watoto - Kapila is not free from passions; because he has not, out of pity, given to beings, who deServe mercy, a piece of flesh from his body, one who is free froin passions,
dream consciousness; this is an instance in which the negation of the proven (in the heterogeneous example) is unproved, the fallacious character' not receding from the dream consciousness'.
P. 6/71. 2. Bf4 derya cufto - Perception is undetermined, because it is valid knowl- edge; whatever is not undetermined is not valid knowledge; as for instance, inference: this is an instance in which the negation of the reason (in the het. erogeneous example) is unproved, the