Samyaktva - (1) Sarāga or accompa- nied by desire and vitarāga or free from desire. It is sarāga upto the elev- enth guṇasthāna or stage of spiritual development; It is vitarāga in the last three stages. Sarāga Samyaktva has certain fundamental characteristics such as prašama etc, while Vitarāga samyakįvaischaracterised bythe abso- lute purity of the soul. Yas. 254
Ro m a fanteart - (The fundamental characteristics of Samyaktva)
14 - (Pra sama) - Prašama is restaining the mind from passions and other evil tendencies. Y.C. P. 323 Fiam - (Saṁvega) - Samvega is fear caused by worldly existence, the source of all kinds of sufferings and fleeting like a dream or a magic show.
Y.C. P. 323 Samvega is man's longing for liberation. Hemcandra : Yogaśāstra. 31947 - (Anukampā) - Anukampā is kindness to all creatures; it is the fundamental basis of Dharma. Bura - (Āstikya) - Astikya is a believing attitude of mind towards the āpta, the scriptures, the vows and the fundamental principles. Some writers mention another characteristic of Samyaktva nirveda or indifference to the world. Yas. 255 सम्यक्त्व के दस भेद - (Ten kinds of Samyaktva) - Samyaktva may also be of ten kinds according to the sources from which it is derived. These sources are 317511 - Ājñā, the command of the scriptures composed by the exalted and omniscient Arhat or Tirthamkara;
Arf - (Mārga) - The investigation of the three Jewels of right faith, right knowledge and right conduct. 3469T - (Upadeša) - Listening to the life-stories of the great men of old such as the Tirthamkaras, the cakravartins etc. FE - (Sūtra) - The code regulating the conduct and behaviour of the ascetics.
th - (Bija) - A clue to the understanding of all sections of the doctrine.
ietu - (Sank sepa) - Summary knowledge of the main topics, topics of the system, āpta, sūtraor the sacred canon, the vows and the categories. farfiir - (Vistāra) Comprehensive knowledge of the vast canonical literature consisting of the twelve an gas, the fourteen pūrvas and the Prak i rņas. 3ref – (Artha) - Personal conviction in matters connected with the sacred lore.
TOMIC (Avagādha) - Profound knowledge of some part of the three fold Canon. PHIQ11C - (Parm āvagādba) - The conviction ofaman possessing the three kinds of supernatural knowledge, viz., avadhi, manahparyya and kevala.
Y.C. 323 percha ato 25 - (Twenty five hindrances to Samyaktva) - Somadeva enumerates twenty five hindrances to Samyaktva known as drgdoșathe three kinds of Mūdbatā, the eight madas, the six anāyatanas and eight defects, saņkā etc. The three kinds of Mūdhatā are lokamüdhată consisting of stupid popular customs such as dips in sacred water; Devam ūdhatā or the worship of false deities, ghosts, spirits and the like; and