knowledge) says that as soon as the consciousness gets possession of Samyag-darsana due to the subsidence, destruction, or subsidence-cum destruction of the Darsana-moha (attitude deluding karman) its matyaj fi ana and śruta ajana disappear and there emerge mati jana and śrutaj fanajust like the emergence of heat and light of the sun on the displacement of the clouds.
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सम्यग्दृष्टि का श्रद्धान The right-believing soul believes in the doctrines as preached (by the conquerors), but (sometimes) by the instruction of an ignorant teacher he believes in the nature of things as they are not. If on that (error) being satisfactorily exposed on the authority of sutra, he does not believe (in the truth then), from that moment he certainly becomes a wrong believer.
G.J. 22Gāthā - 27, 28 (Samyaktva)- Perfect faith is the belief in Jina etc. That is a quality of the soul and when this arises Jffāna (knowledge) being free from errors surely becomes perfect. Dr. 41 उपशम सम्यक्त्व (Subsidential right belief) It is of two kinds (i) First ()(ii) Second (f). The duration of this is at the most one antar muhurta. From this the soul falls down to the first, 2nd or 3rd stage, if there is no downfall. (ii) द्वितीयोपशम सम्यक्त्व The second subsidential right belief. It arises in a saint in the 7th spiritual stage of perfect vows, when the saint is preparing to pass on to the 8th stage of new thought
activity along the ladder of subsidential advancement kind. He transforms the nature of the four error feeding passions, into lesser passions, and causes the subsidence of the 3 classes of right belief deluding karmas, namely, Mithy atva, Samyaktva Mithyātva and Samyaktva Prakrti Mithyātva. The right belief of this saint is called the second subsidential right belief.
G.J.-16 (2) क्षयोपशम सम्यक्त्व Destructive subsidential right belief in which there is operation of right-belief-slightly clouded by wrong belief (सम्यक्त्व प्रकृति f) the last of the 3 sub classes of
right belief deluding karma (Darsana Moha), and the other two subclasses along with the four error feeding passions are partially destroyed and partially in subsidence. The minimum duration of this destructive-subsidential right belief is one Antarmu hurta; and the maximum is 66 Sagaras. This maximum is made up of 13 Sagaras in the 7th heaven, 22 in the 16th and 31 Sagaras in the highest (Graiveyaka). क्षायिक सम्यक्त्व It arises by the destruction of all the three classes of right belief deluding karma and the four error-feeding passions. This is the best and highest kind of right belief. Once gained, it lasts for ever. The soul that acquires it, must attain liberation at the latest in 33 Sagaras and 2 crore purvas, minus 8 years and one Antar Muhurta. This arises only at the feet of omniscient Kevali or the all scripture-knowing Śruta-Kevali saints. सम्यक्त्व के दो भेद (Two kinds of Samyaktva) - There are two kinds of