(318) incarnation and the cycle of thought or Samsth a na nama karma - Sen ir emotion.
af - That, on the rise of which the Samskara - Hit - Adornments, structure of the bodies such as the PhysiThe tendency to recollect, linkage, De
cal body is accomplished is called the pendence.
nāma-karma of figure. It is of six kinds; Samstava - Hra - Praise.
the perfectly symmetrical body, The Samstava - Hica - Expression of upper part alone symmetrical, the lower existent or non-existent qualities is part alone symmetrical, the hunchpraise (Sastava).
S-7/23 backed body, the dwarfish body and the Samsthāna- eT - Different shapes
entirely unsymmetrical or deformed
S-8/11 of organic bodies, The assembledge of
body. bones of the skeletal structure, Shape,
Samsthana matra - संस्थान मात्र - A Configuration, Figure, Form.
specific state of existence. Hiper - Samsthāna refers to the dif- Samsthāna vicaya - irent far apa - ferent shapes of the organic bodies. Contemplation of the matter constituThese are Samacaturasra, Samsthāna,
tion or confliguration of the universe, body that is symmetrically developed;
Respecting the nature of universe and Nyagrodha Pariman dala Samsthāna,
the conditions of life therein. body that is top-heavy like the Banyan- Samsarga - pf - Association. tree; Swati Saṁsthāna, body that is Samsiddhi - sifiles - Attainment. long and thin like a sword, Kubja Santā pavān - HITCH! - Distracted. Samsthāna; hunch-backed body, Samudghāta - MCAG - Without havVāman Saṁsthāna, dwarfish bodyand ing left the primary body, the going out hun da samsthāna, an ugly mass of of a group of soul (spatial units, flesh. All these shapes of organic bod. prade šas) from the body along with the ies are nothing but the different mani secondary bodies (i.e. Karmicand elecfestationsof matterin the organicworld. tric, which two are never separable from Hence these physical forms which are the mundane soul) is called overflow of material origin can not be attributed (CET).
G.J.- 668 to the soul.
Samudghāta - Gaia - is the emanaSamsthāna - LYT - Shape - Shape tion of soul spatial units from the body is of two kinds, that which can be without wholly discarding it. Seven defined and that which can not be de- kinds of these soul emanations are fined. The regular geometrical shapes
recognised in Jaina Philosophy. such as the circle, the triangle, the rect- Acura - Samudgh äta or overflow angle, the square, the globe, etc. are means the extending of spatial units of instances of the first variety. The clouds mundane souls out of body to some etc. may be various irregular shapes,
extent and then resuming their former
form. Souls do not leave their own body, which cannot be exactly described.
but extend out. There are seven occaThese are instances of latter variety.
sions when such overflow is possible :
G. J. 272