San kara - - Intermixture, blend- ing of classes, Hybrid. Samkhyā - HCA - Number. Samkhya-pramāņa - sic-4411 - Number-measure. Samkhyata - stena - Numerable, Numerate. Samkhyata guna vrddhi • संख्यात qur - Numerable fold increase. Samkhyatanu vargana - संख्याताणु auton- Numerable atoms molecule. Samkhyeya - Hele - Numerable. Samklesa - HK - Passionate thought activity, depression. Pop - (Samprati) - The immediate successor of A soka was Samprati. With the true spirit of a Jaina be weilded the sword to help the poor and the oppressed. He expanded the Mauryan empire beyond the borders of the present day sub-continent of India and Pakistan and established centres of Jaina culture in the countries of Arabia and Persia. He founded Jaina monasteries in non-Aryan countries and sent out Jaina sages 10 propagate the Dharma there. He himself practised Jaina rules in his after life, and worked hard for the uplifting of Jainism in various ways. He erected thousands of Jaina temples throughout his empire. A. 74-75 Sampūrna virati - Hayot farfa - Total abstinence. Samrambba - ** - Planning, Endeavour, complete absorption in a plan to commit violence etc, with passion. Samrambha - - Complete absorption in a plan to commit violence etc. with passion is called sa mrambha.
Samsarap a-JAM - Transmigration. Samsarga - simf - Association. Samsaya - 4274 - Jeopardise, Doubt. संशय - Sam saya or doubt consists in knowledge touching the many aspects which remain undertermined owing to our not having the supporting and opposing reasons (inconnection with those aspects). For instance : what is that, a statue or a man ? P. 1/11-12 Samsaya mithyatva. संशय मिथ्यात्वThe indecisive view, whether the three gems of right faith, rightknowledgeand right conduct lead to emancipation or not is scepticism.
S-8/1 Sam sayavacani - dirigeri - Doubt-, ful. Samsāra - AR - Transmigration. Samsara cakra - Far ash - Cycle of transmigration - Desire brings karma, karma leads to Gati, Gati means body, body implies senses, senses lead to perception and perception again to desire or aversion and so on adinfinitum. But the cycle ends in the case of Bhavya Jiva whereas it is unending to the abhavyas. Samsara-Panca parivartana - HR taufacta - Transmigration five cyclic change. Samsari jiva - Ghet ta - Transmigrating soul, Mundane souls, Embodied souls, Mundane living beings. Samsari jiva. (Hartia) - Those, who undergo or are subjected to this cycle of wandering, are the transmigrating beings. This whirling-round is of five kinds, the cycle of matter, thecycle of space, the cycle of time, The cycle of