Trafafutaita - Tattvanirn in i su) - A seeker of truth.
P8/14 तत्त्वनिर्णिनीषु के भेद - The classes of Tattvanirņinișu-That isoftwoclasses, viz, 'in himself and 'in others'. The disciples etc. belong to the first class, the preceptor's etc. belong to the second class. The second class bas two groups : viz., persons who are possessed of knowledge arising from the partial annihilation and mitigation (of karma forces) and persons who have the pure knowledge. P. 8/5-8 वाद के चार अङ्ग - The four limbs in a debate - The disputant (Vādi), the opponent (Prativādi), the members (Sabhyas) and the President(Sabhāpati) are the four limbs in a debate. P 8/15 aifa - viraila - Vādi - Prativādi - The disputant and the oppnent are like two wrestlers, the first begins and the other answers.
P. 8/16 alfc - ufaaf at aaret - What each of them is to do is both to establish his own position and to refute that of the other in accordance with the Pramānas.
P. 8/17 - Sabhyas - The members are such as are approved by both the disputantand the opponent, have the power of retention, are erudite (intellectually) brilliant, forgiving and strictly impartial.
P. 8/18 सभ्यों के कार्य - The businesses of members - their businesses are to make the debating parties accept the usual prescribed forms in regard to the points at issue, to determine their right to the priority or the posteriority of speech, to find out the merits and the demerits of the supporting and the contradicting
arguments, to stop where necessary the debate by revealing the truth and to declare truly the result of the debate before the assembly. P. 8/19 Farofa - Sabhāpati - The president is to be amanof knowledge, of commanding authority of forgiveness and impartiality.
P. 8/20 सभापति का कर्तव्य - The duty of the president - is to determine the matter stated by contending parties and the members to reconcile disputes etc.
P. 8/21 वाद में बोलने का नियम - In a debate, which has one or more Jigi sus, parties may talk as many times as they can, provided the members suffer them to do so. Vādaranigoda . aici Fama - Group souled vegetables. Vadaranigoda vargana. वादर निगोद arfurt - Gross common body molecule. anfcca - Vādi Deva Suri was the author of Pramāna - naya tattvālokālamkāra. He was born in the year 1143 V.S. at Muddahrita, a village in Gujarat. He came of the lineage of Prāgvāta. Šreşthi Virāngaga was his father and his mother's name was Jainadev i. His parents gave him the name, Pūrņa Candra. From his childhood, Pūrņa Candra was of retiring nature. When he was barely of the age of nine years, in V.S. 1152, he was initiated into religious order by Sūri Municandra who then gave him the name Rāmacandra. Soon the young man mastered all the Šāstras and became well known as an able debator. He travelled in many places. In his life time