(281) permanent. Continuity through changes Vastrautāranā - opet BARESTI - Disrobis the characteristic of all substances. Both Vartana and Parināma mean Vastrā bharaṇa. - Drapery. changes. But Vartanā rafers to imper
Vastrābhū sapa . 279999 - Cosceptible, minute changes that go on
tume. incessantly every instant in all sub
Vastu dharma- og ef - The attribute stances whereas pariņāma refers to great changes which are perceptible to
of a thing. the senses and are called modes. S.A.
Vastutva - atgras - Reality. Jain - Reality.
P. 148 Vašitva - afora - The power to win Vašitva vikriyā rddhi-africa fafah over all beings. Terasa - Influence modification prodigy.
Vācaka - apels - Expressive. Vastu ots - Object.
Vacana-ari - Training in scripture argurafa:- The life of Vastupāla and its meaning. is also the subject matter of a work Vācna-ar -Teaching. It consists called Vastupāla Carita by jina-harsa. in teaching words or meanings or both The king Vastupāla was himself a poet with precision.
S: 9/25 who wrote a work called Nara - Vacanarya.rar - The expounder narayaņā nanda dealing with the story preceptor. of the friendship of Arjuna and Krşņa Vācya - vācaka - Te - apa - and the abduction of Subhadrā by signifier and signified. Arjuna
Vada - K - Legitimate discourse, (written between 1220 to 1230 A.D.)
Debate, Discussion. Vastutva.orgra - Objectivity. IF (Vāda) - A debate consists in the Vastu prativikalpa vijnana - art system of argumentative statements, ufafacing fasiha - Objective knowl- pro-et-contra, for establishing the subedge.
ject matter of one proposition (which is Varayasama . वर्ण्यसमा - Parity per
maintained by a party). by refuting the uncertainty.
subject matter of the other, the two Varşavāsa . autant - The rain re
subject matters being opposed to each other.
P. 8/1
Treffuray - Tattvanirņ in i șu - One Vartamānajn āyaka Sarira - odra
who wants to determine a truth. de ज्ञायक शरीर - Present body ofknower at
P. 620 the present time.
furt - Jigi șu - A seeker of victory Vartana . acha - Assisting in the
is one who wants to defeat another by changes, Instrumentality of Change,
advancing arguments of proof and refuMinute change, Subsistence.
tation in order to establish his own Vartalātāra - GMCR - Sperical, contention.
P. 8/3 Circular.