Loka srști- ctia fe - Cosmogony. Loka vidya - ma faen - Cosmogra-
Lokatīta laita - Transcendent. Lobha - 7779 - Greed, Avarice. Lobha dosa - HGTE - Obtaining food by exiting activity. Lobha samjvalana - miten versta - Flamming upreed. Lobka i-att - Avaricious.
Vacana - 2017 - Speech, Voice. Vacana vargana- वचन वर्गणा-Organ of speech. Vacana vinyasa - 199 FRIA - Lin- guistic symbols. Vacanadi sutra - वचनादिसूत्र - The sūtras concerned with the grammatical number etc. Vadba - qu - Homicide, Injury. Vadh -99 - Injury - Injury is depriving one of life, the senses, strengthor vigour and respiration.
S-6/11 Vaibhā sika - Auto - Presenta- tionists. Vaidharmya - dypal - Dissimilarity. Vaikriyika sarira - वैक्रियिक शरीर - Term - falfs9 - implies the wonderful bodily transformations that are associated with a Deva or divine being. A deva can take any kind of body he pleases from minute to huge forms. That kindof Šarirais called Vaikriyika Šarira.
Vaiduryamaņi . tafor - Pure crystal. Vaidyaka dosa-data - Obtaining food by discoursing on medicine. Vaikriyika kayayoga - वैक्रियिक काय um - Fluid body vibration. Vaikriyika misrayoga- वैक्रियिक मिश्र UM - Fluid mixed vibration. Vaikriyika samudghāta - afsnferans HTC ETC - Fluid overflow. Vaikriyika sarira - वैक्रियिक शरीर - Transformable body. Vaikriyika sarira. वैक्रियिक शरीर - Being endowed with eight kinds of super-human powers, this type of body is capable of becoming one or many or infinitesimal or buge. This is called vikrivā (Transformation). That which has transformation as its object is vaikriyika, that is transformable. Vaikriyika sarīra angopā nga · वैक्रियिक शरीर अङ्गोपाङ्ग - The chief and secondary parts of transfromable body. Vaidharmyavat.depanare - Negative inference. Valdharmyadrstanta-वैधर्म्य दृष्टान्तHeterogeneous example. Vaidharmya drstāntābhāsa-dept दृष्टान्ताभास - Fallacy of heterogeneous example. Valdharmyasamā - derfal - Parity per dissimilarity. Vadhyaghā taka bhāva - gozelda1979- The destructive opposition. Vailambha and Prabha ni jana.aminn 79 y qosht - These are two lords of Vātakumāras.
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