Loka - Sāmänya, Ürdhvāyat - Alto - 41424, natera - Universe - General, Cubic. mitan afeti - (Lokapakti)-By lokapakti we mean these observances which are in fact befitting of the noble persons but which have been undertaken by someone Just with a view to pleasing the commonfolk and with an unclean mind. The Lokapakti of wisemen (i.e. his attempt to please the common folk), in as much as it is undertaken for the sake of religion, is something conducive to welfare; so far as fools are concerned even their religious observances, in as much as they are undertaken for the sake of lokapakti, are conducive to a great sin. Yoga 89.90 Lokapala - 1164161 - Lokapālas are like the police those who protect the people and property. S - 4/4 MITCF TOFT - According to Jainism the world is the effect of both intelligent and non-intelligent causes. The intelligent cause is of only one kind, while the non-intelligent causes are of five kinds. These six entities are the causes of the world, in their various conditions with their attributes and natures. The nature of the intelligent cause is to know. The five non-intelligent causes are matter, space, time and two things which act respectively as the cause or means by which resting things rest and moving things move. It is not maintained that these six causes created the world at some particular time; they exist always, have and always will; and by their changing conditions and interaction cause the world to be what it is. There are always two causes in any event, namely the
'Upadana' and the 'Nimitta' that is to say, the substantial cause and the instrumental cause. Each substance has the power of originating new states, destroying old ones, and keeping itself permanent. This power is called 'Sattā". It is not a separate entity. It is a power inherent in them and insepararable from them. It is not an extra cosmic individual person creating and controlling the universe; it is an attribute of each of the six substances, not a being at all either intelligent or non-intelligent. Thus the power which creates and destroys things is not extra- cosmic outside the above named six realities. The power is inherent in the things themselves and is found in both the intelligent and in the nonintelligent realities. This power is not called God in Jainism. That is the Jain position and it is thoroughly sound. Lokānta - Silchala - End of universe. Loka vādi - High - Believer in the world. . Loka · Yavamuraja/yavamadhya . Mic4944, 46484 - Universe - barely drum, Barely middle. Lokākasa - Art - The Universe space. लोकाकाश तथा अलोकाकाश - (Lokākāśa an d Alokākāśa) - That portion of Ākāša in which Jiva, Pudgala, Dharma, Adharma and kāla exist is known as lokākāśa and the Ākāša beyond it is called Alokākāša.
Dr. 29 Loka midhata - लोक मूढ़ता - Common follies. Loka pramana - लोकप्रमाण - The spatial units of universe.