Jinabhadra says that dhāraṇā means which is his habitation is Mābendra. By absence of lapse of the perceptualjudge - association with it the lord also is called ment. This Dhāraṇā is threefold ac- Mahendra. Similarly it must be undercording to him. The absence of lapse stood with regard to the rest. (avi cyüti) of the cognition of the ob
S. 4/19 ject, the resultant) emergence of men- Malarohaņa doşa - HIRTEN TT - tal trace (vāsanā) and the recollection Offering at a place where the saint can (anusmarana) of it again in future - all only reach by mounting a ladder or a these which follow in the wake of that (long) flight of steps. (viz. perceptual judgement) constitute
Mābātmya - HEIRAT - Glory. dhāraņā. Thus avicyuti (absence of
Malya pasa . माल्य पाश - Garland lapse) vāsanā (mental trace) and smrti
loops. (recollection) these three are included
Mala - HIATI - String. in the conception of Dhäranā.
S.J.P. 43 Ma msala - HİHST - Muscular. Dhäranä is the conditon of non- 'Māmsavirati - Hisfarfa - Abstinence oblivion in future of what has been from non-vegetarian. cognized by avāya (perceptual judge - Mana-6-Iconometry, Pride, Haughment).
SSi. 1/15
tiness. Dharan ā is the conditon of recollec- Mana - Laukika, Lokottara - 417 - tion which is called Samskāra (trace).
pillanat - Mantar - Measure - UniverT.T. 6 (Svopaj isa vivrtti). sal/Post univerral. Matsara - HRY - Jealousy.
Māna dosa - 47579 - Obtaining food Matā valambi. Haaahant - by means of pride. Persuation.
Mana kasaya . मान कषाय - Pride Matyaj nana - F45119 - Wrong sen- affection. sory knowledge.
Mānasa pratyksa - 44 - Maukharya - Atee - prattling away Mental intuition, Introspection, Conin a senseless manner.
ceptual intuition, Mental perception. Manuja . HTG - Cord.
Mana samjvalana . मान संज्वलन - Mayūra. Prep - Peacocks. Gleaming pride. Madhyama . HOTA - Instrumental
Manasavikalpa - मानस विकल्प - Menity.
tal construction Madhyamika - 1241f40f - Nihilists.
Manastambha - HIFI4 - Free standMadhyastha - Hreppet - Tolerance or
ing pillar standard crowned by Jina imunconcern is freedom from attachment
ages. and repulsion based on desire and aver
Mānayukta - Hemo - Eleted. sion.
S. 7/11 Māo dalika - ATS18146 - Feudatory, Mahendra - HIES - Māhendra is the Manopasamana addhā - HR142146 natural name of the lord. The kalpa 37,461 - Pride-Subsidence period.