(Leaning towards), mārgaṇatā (searching), gavesaṇatā (fathoming), cintā (discursive thought and vimarsa (enquiry). Umāsvāti, however, gives quite different synonyms which are: iha (speculation), uha (reasoning), tarka (reasoning), parikṣā (investigation), vic āra ṇā (thinking) and jijñāsā (enquiry). SJ.P. 40
-(Tha) The striving for a specific characteristic of the object cognized by avagraha is ībā. S Si - 1/15
Tha means enquiry for the distinctive feature. ViBh. 180 Vyanjanavargraha (contact awareness) is the beginning of awareness, arthavagraha (object perception) is the dawning of awareness and iha is determinate tendency towards the ascertainment of the particular nature of the object. Though iha is a kind of speculation, it is to be distinguished from Sam saya (doubt). The mental state which relates to many (mutually contradictory) objects, which is stupefied owing to its incapacity for exclusion (of the false) and which seems to retire into a perfectly supine conditon, is non cognition (ājfi ana) of the nature of doubt and the mental state which strives for the ascertainment of the truth by means of reason and logic, which is destined to the sucessful and which tends towards the acceptance of the true and avoidance of the untrue is called ihā. SJ.P.41. अपाय या अवाय - (Apāya or Avāya)Apaya is ascertainment of the right and exclusion of the wrong.
T. Su Bh. 1/15
The avasyakaniryukti defines apaya as determinate cognition. S.J.P. 41 Apaya is cogniton of the true nature on acount of the cognition of the particular characteristics. S. Si. 1/15 अपाय के पर्यायवाची शब्द - (The synonyms of apaya): Apagama, apanoda, apavyādha, apeta, apagata, apaviddha, apanutta are the synonyms of apāya according to Umāsvāti. The Nandi sūtra gives these as the synonyms: avartanatā (limited determination), pratyavartanatā (repeated determination), avaya (determination) buddhi (vivid determination), Vijfi āna (determinate cognition). S.J.P. 42 - (Dhāraṇā) - Dharan a means retention of the perceptual judgement for a number of instants, Samkhyeya (countable) or asamkhyeya (countless). धारणा के पर्यायवाची शब्द (The syaonyms of dharan a)- The Nandi sūtra gives the following synonyms of dhāraṇā Dhāraṇā (retention), Dharaṇā (holding), Sthāpanā (Placing), pratistha (fixing) and kostha (firmly grasping). Umāsvāti gives the following synonyms of Dharaṇā: Pratipatti (Continued cognition) avadharaṇā (memory), avasthna (retention), niscaya (continued cognition), avagama (retention) and avbodha (cognition). S.J.P. 42
- (Dhārṇā) - Dharaṇā is the final determination of the object, retention of the (resultant) cognition and recognition (of the object on future occasions). T Su Bh. 1/15 The A vasyakniryukti defines dhāraṇā
as retention.
Gatha 179