Is we
97 (Bh) h
(219) observes salutory vows, bas knowl- Barn . punt - Pillar capital. edge, and is without desires and acquisition.
Y.C.P. 411 Bharatvarsa · Taaret - It is the
country bounded by the mountain chain Budha .q8 - Mercury. Buddhi-gra - Intellect, Vivid deter
of Himvān on the north and the three
oceans on the other sides. It is in the mination, Intelligence.
shape of a bow. It is divided into six continents by the mountain chain Vijayā rdha and the two rivers, the
Ganga and the Sindhu. Bharat is Bhadra - 976 - Central projection of a 526 -- yojana in width. shrine.
Bhavasāgar - 441R – The ocean of Bhadrap i tha - 946418 - A variety of Samsāra south Indian moulded pedestal.
Bhavanavāsi deva - 49791it da - Bhadra prakrti - Ego - Gentle Residential devas. dispposition.
Bhavyatva - 4649 - Capacity for salBhagna - 49 - Dilapidated.
vation. Bhagnāvasesa - 419ta - Frag- Bhan dāra - HUER - Hoard. ments.
Bhanda Katha . भण्ड कथा - Gest. Bhaikșa śuddhi - styles - Accep
Bhattāraka - geela - Pontiff. tance of clean food and not quarrelling with brother monks.
Bhattaraka pitha . भट्टारक पीठ - kicat - (Bhairādevi) - Queen
Pontifical seal.
Bhavana - 497 - Edifice. Bhairā devī ruled over the kingdom of
wafuasi - (Bhavabhinandi)- The Gerosoppe in the 16th century A.D. in South India.
welcomer of the worldly existence). Bhakta - 9467 - A devotee.
The welcomer of the worldly existence
is petty, profit-hungry, miserable, JealBhakta katha 4971 afren – Stories
ous, fear-stricken, cunning, ingnorant pertaining to food and drinks.
and busy doing futile things. Bhakta pratijnā. PORT uf1511 - Food
Yoga-87 renunciation.
Bhavya - 24 - A self with capacity for Bhakta . 4951 - Devout.
liberation, Potential souls, Bhakti - afarn - Veneration, Adoring. Liberableness, capacity of attaining libBhakti mudra - far451 - Adoration
eration from Karmic bondage, Vigor
ous, Robust, Elaborate, Majestic. pose.
Bhava Parivartana - 99 fact - Bhāmap dal - 4790657 - Halo.
Cycle of incarnation. Bhanga - 45 - State, Modes. -
Bhavya and abhavya - 94247911379404Bhangimā - 1947 - Graces. The souls whose liberation is to take