Deccan. The kalacuris which literally means 'the destroyers of the fleshy bodies' were great warriors and con- querors. Bijjala was the commander-in-chief of the Calukyan army, but he crushing the feudatory and provincial rulers under the Cālukyan king Tailap III, set himself as the paramountmonarch. He was indeed a great riler whose reign lasted peacefully from 1156 to 1167 A.D. He was a Jaina and took keen interest in safeguarding Jainism. Chief among his generals was Basudhaika recimayyā, who obtained the seven fold wealth of empire to be enjoyed by the line of kings who succeeded the emperor. King Bijjala gave him the beautiful province of Nagarkhand, which he ruled with exceeding glory. Like his masters Bijjala, his efforts for the propagation of Jainism were unending. A-83 Bodha-ala - Comprehension. Boddha -all - Knower. Bodhi - alifa - Enlightenment. Bodhi durlabha -alfa 5014 - Rarity of enlightenment, Gain of self enlightenment, Discrimination power. Bodhita buddha . altera TG - The precept enlightened, Enlightened by others. Bodhya - aeg - The person to be edified. Brahma - Jet - That which develops virtues such as non-injury is chastity (Brahma).
S-7/16 HUGO – (Brahmadeva) - The commentary on Dravya samgraha is composed by 'Brahmadeva'. Portions of this commentary have been quoted by 'Subhachandra' in his commentary on
a work entitled 'Svāmi Kartikeya - nupseksā. There is therefore, no doubt that Brahmadeva must have lived before or at least was the contempoary of Subhacandra. The commentary on Svāmi kartikeyā nuprek sa by Subhacandra was finished on the 10th of Mā gha, in the vikrama year 1613. Subhacandra wrote another work named 'Pāndava Purā na, at the end of which it is mentioned that it was finished in the Vikrama year 1608.
Dr. (Introduction) - x/vi-x/vii Brahmacarya - etee - Celibacy, Continence, Celebate. Brahmacarya - Era - Perfect celibacy consists in not recalling pleasure enjoyed previously, not listening to stories of sexual passion(renouncing erotic literature) and renouncing bedding and seats used by woman. Continence (Brahmacarya) is residing in the abode of the teacher in order to abandon selfwilled activity.
S-6/9 dart - (Brahmacari) - Celebate Born of filth, breeding filth and dropping filth, seeing such an impure stinking and dreadful body, he who abstains from lust is a celebate.
Samantabhadra. agraf - (Brahmacārin) - Knowledge is brahma, kindness is brahma and the destruction of lust is brahma: when the soul rests securely on these, a man is called Brahmacūrin. Y.C.P. 412
TELJI - The Creator-God of the Hindu pantheon. SEJUT – (Brāhmana) - Abrahmana is not one who is blind with the pride of birth, but one who does not destroy life,