Paroksa parimana - परोक्ष परिमाण - Indirect measure. Pariman dalya - OfATOG64 Exiguousphericity. Parinamamana - परिणममान - Manifesting. Pariņ amana - ufura - Transformation, Fructification. Pariņamana $ubha Aśubha, Suddha. furfa 14 - 3714 - The Transformation-merital, demerital, pure. Parin ata - FUG - Terminated. Parin ati - ufufa - Modification. Parin ama- f - Changeofmodification, Thought activity. Physical condition, Modification, Mode. Pariņ ņma (RUTH) - Mode - The condition (change) of a substance is a mode.
S-5/37. Anādi pariņāma - 31fcufun - Abeterno transform. sādi parin ama • Hifa fullAbinitio transform. Pariņāma - Aparivartamana, Parivartamāna-4f014 - 374 farinaपरिवर्तमान - Cyclically unchangeable transform - Changeable transform. Parin ama suddhi - परिणाम शुद्धि - The purity of Psychic state. Parin am i funt - Dynamic. Parin ami nitya - परिणामीनित्य - Dynamically constant. Paripati - feyici - Trend. Paripurn endriya - ufyuffisa - With perfectly and fully developed sense organs. Paripusta - afiye - Stout.
Pariraksaka yugala - परिरक्षक युगल - Tutelary couple. Paritāpana - fea144 - Distressormental suffering. Parişaha - fue - Affliction. Pariş krta - Foto - Refined, Sophisticated Parişaha - fue - Afflictions, Hardships. Parişahajaya - Yf4642- Tobear with the sufferings of hunger etc. for the sake of dissociation of karmas is endurance. Conquest by patient endurance is · parişahajaya.'
S-9/2. Pariş ahajaya - Yf46577 - Conquest by endurance or affliction, Conquest of hardships. Parispanda - frcq - Vibration. Paristambh iya - f772974 - Peristylar. Parisuddha pratipatti - uffla ufarafaClear conviction. Paritāpa - ufiane - Ailments. Parityakta or Parityajana dosa - परित्यक्त या परित्यजन दोष - Taking leaving or what has been thrown away or liquids when they can not be retained in the palm. Parivarddhita - ufafan - Elaborated. Parivartana - ufact-Cycle of wandering, Vicissitude. Parivartita - ufaffa - Erased, Transformed. Parivāda - qfare - Spreading false doctrines. Parives tita - ufafen - Enclosed. Pariksā - Chan - Investigation, Examination. Parīta. Tła - Periphoral.