Paricaya cinha -fara fala - Cogni- zance. Paricchinna - fferyn - What is already known. Paridevana - R697 - Lamentation. Paridevana (fGGA) - Lamentation is the loud outcry (wailing) of an afflicted person by recalling the achievements of the departed and giving expression to those in order to evoke sympathy in others and secure help to oneself and others.
S-6/11. Paridh i ya - yfieita - Peripheral. Paridhana - fen - Apparel. Paridhi - uffa - Pellet, periphery. Paridhi krama - uffüsti - Peripheral series. Parigraha - yfur - Accumulation, Possessons, Attachment to belongings, Spirit of appropriation. Parigraha kathā . fue em - Talk about worldly objects. Parigraha parimapa-sfuef41To fix the size of acquisition. Parigraha sa mjiā.fUE HI - The acquisitive instinct. Parigrhītā - feta a married woman. Parihara - fler - Rejecting the evil, Expulsion, Expiation, Repudiation. Parihara - yfer - Expelling one from the order for a fortnight, a month etc. is expulsion which is another kind of expiation.
S-9/22. Parihara visuddhi - परिहारविशुद्धि - Conduct of pure and absolute injury, Refraining from himsā, Purity of non injury.
Pariharavisuddhi kalpa . परिहारविशुद्धिकल्प - The purificatory course. Parihārika - yfieifa - Enunciation. Parikalpita - ufafaya - Constructed. Parikarma - Yf4f - First division of 12th anga, Mathematical operations, Kundakundas commentary of şatakhandāgama. Parikara - Yfice - Subsidiary figures of an image. Parikarma bheda - परिकर्म भेद - Type of mathematial operations. Parikarma bheda san kalana - yfa GA - Types of mathematical operations - Addition. Parikarma bheda vyavakalana gunākāra-fice 0494579 TUICAR - Types of mathematical operationsSubstraction, Multiplication. Parikarma bheda bhagahara-fiant भेद भागहार - Types of mathematical operations - division. Parikarmabheda ghana - परिकर्म भेद 99 - Types of mathematical operations, Cube. Parikarma Bheda ghanamūla -
fiche 7189 - Types of mathematical operations - Cube Root. Parikarma bheda varga . परिकर्म भेद apof- Types of mathematical opeationssquare. Parikarma bheda vargamū la
fanfita - Types of mathematical operations - square root. Parihāsa - fere - Ridicule. Parimandala - परिमण्डल - Globe. Parimaņa - yf419 - Magnitude.