Nirni tavipaksavrttika निर्णीतविपक्षवृत्तिक - The fallacious rea
son of the doubtful class. Nirodha -F- Restraining.
Nirupalepa - - Stainless, Uncontaminated.
Niruddha-F- Stopped. Nirukti-fe-Commentary, Expla
Nirakarana - FRI - Preclude. Nirakrta - Rejected. निर्विचिकित्सा - He who does not exhibit any abhorrence or disgust towards all the (obnoxious) qualities of things, is said to be the right believer without any abhorrence. Nirvikalpa - निर्विकल्प - Without par
ticulars, Pure undetermined sensation. Indeterminate perception.
Nirvikalpa jñāna - निर्विकल्प ज्ञान Indeterminate knowledge. Nirvin na - ffefour - Disgusted. Nirviśeşatvavāda - निर्विशेषत्ववाद - The doctrine of differenceless identity. Nirvrttafiq The perfect souls that reach nirvana are free from birth, death, oldage disease, grief, pain, hunger, thirst and worry. They have no bodies and do not sweat. Pure spirit by nature, They enjoy uninterruptedly and for ever, all those in comparably divine attributes and privileges which appertain to the simple substance of their being. It is impossible to enumerate all the virtues of even such common substances as silver and gold, and it is equally impossible to count or describe all the wonderful properties of soulsubstance! The Siddhas (Gods) enjoy omniscience, immortality and unsurpassed bliss; they see and hear all, as
if they were present every where ! they have no loves and hatreds left in them, and do not grant boons to friends or show disfavour to foes. Their divine example, their teachings and their footprints are left for those who disgusted with the world, seek a way out of the carnibals (death's) cave! Those who walk in their footsteps become in all respects like them as regards the innate divinity of the spirit substance, and speedily reach the holy siddha sila to sit by them.
Nirvyāksepa - निर्व्याक्षेप - Undisturbed solitude.
Nirdes af
Description of the
true nature of anything, Instruction. Nirdes a-adesa ogha - -
- Instruction-Detailed - Brief. Nirjaraf- Disintegration. Nirjarā (Savipaka, Avipāka) Disintegration-Mature/premature. Nirjara - Dravya, bhava-fi (4, 4) Disintegration-fluent / Phase. Nirmalata निर्मलता Clearness. Nirmanaff - Growth. Nirupabhoga - निरुपभोग - Devoid of enjoyment.
Nirvargan à Kāndaka - निर्वर्गणा chlusch Provariform split. Nirvartana-fi- Prosubsidence. Niścaya alocana - निश्चय आलोचना That soul which realises as evil all those psychic states of multifarious kinds which arise at present (in the consciousness) due to the operation of karmas is certainly the niscaya alocanā or real confession.
Niścaya cāritra - निश्चय चारित्र - Real right conduct.