(167) Nirartha khan dana - Freaust - ding of karmas, Wearing down of Rejoinder on the ground of meaning
karmas, Exbaustion, Gradual dissocialessness.
tion, Dissociation. Nirata - FRG - Attached.
Nirjara - fackt - That mighty personNiratisaya - farfagra - Ordinary.
ality which after closing the springs of
karmas, good and evil and equipped Niravayavatva - farceara - Indivis
with the faculty of pure thought, conibility.
trols its life according to manifold forms Nirbala - Fierci - Flabby.
of tapas will undoubtedly be able to rid Nirbādhatah - Fafera: - Irressitibly. itself of karmas manifold. Nirakaraņa - FR1084 - Refutation. निर्जरा-Nirjara means the falling away Nirākara - farroak - Indeterminate.
of karmic matter from the soul.
farchTag Nirākrta - Farerenca - Precluded.
- Nirjarā is of two kinds.
The natural maturing of a karma and its Nirdeśa - fader - Description of kinds.
separation from the soul is called Nirdhana - Felefa - Pauper.
सविपाक निर्जरा-and inducing akarma Nirdhāraņa - Faru - Rendering. to leave the soul before it gets ripened Nirdiş ta - Filge - Specified. by means of ascetic practices is called Nirgrantha-Faupaten - Passionless saint,
Avipākā Nirjarā. The saint in whom the rise of karmas Nirlobh i - forsitat - Uncovetous, Magis indistinct like the mark of the line nanimous, Faithless. made in water by a stick and who will
Nirmama - FfA - Devoid of attachattain perfect knowledge and faith after
ment. forty eight minutes. A monk without material possession.
Nirmāņa - farsfor - Formation of the Nirgrantha-Fooper - Passionless saints.
body, Formation. Pulāka, Bakuša, kašila, nirgranthaand
Nirmananamakarma-निर्माण नामकर्मsnātaka are the passionless saints. That which causes the formation of the The saint in whom the rise of karmas body with the several parts in their proper is indistinct like the mark of the line places, is the name karma of formation made in water by a stick and who will
(Nirmāņa). It is oftwo kinds, fixing the attain perfect knowledge and faith after
position and fixing the size. It deterforty-eight minutes, is called passion
mines the position and size of the eyes less saint.
and soon in conformity with the class of Nirgranthalinga - निर्ग्रन्थलिङ्ग - Pas
beings. Formation is that which is sionless sign.
formed by this name-karma of formaNirhetuka - fregas - Destitute of a tion.
S-8/11. cause.
Nirmanasthala - future - ProvNirhetukatva - Fagor - Causeless- enance. ness.
Nir paya - frufen - Definite cognition. Nirjarā - foto - Dissociation of Ascertainment. karmas, Eradication of karmas. Shed