Drsyama na dravya - Gemma 529 - Observable fluent. Dravya - 504 - Substance, Physical, The material factor,Entity, privation or privative, Fluent. Stop - (Dravya - Substance) - A substance to be that which has attributes and modes.
Tattva V. 29. Substanceis that which by nature flows towards its modes. Sarva. P. 153. A substance has attributes and modes. A substance is a collection of attributes. Dravya (509)- Substance - That which will be attained by qualities or that which will attain qualities, is a substance.
S-1/5. द्रव्य की परिभाषा - That is called a substance which is endowed with qualities and accompanied by modifications and which is coupled with origination, destruction and permanence without leaving its nature of existence. som at uefa - The nature of substance is existence accompanied by qualities, by its variegated modifications and by origination, destruction and permanence for all the time. Here amongst various characteristics, existence is described as one all comprising characterisitc by the great Jina, when he was clearly propounding the (religious) creed. The Jinas have truly declared that the substance is naturally (and essentially) proved to be existential; and it is as well proved from the scriptures. He who does not accept it, is a false believer. ध्रौव्य अर्थ के बिना उत्पाद और व्यय संभव नहीं है - There can be no origination without destruction, nor there is destruction without origination; origination and destruction are not possible in the absence of permanent substantial
Forui, apy as stan T 3TOT*A substance in fact is ultimately united with the (three) conditions signified by the terms:origination, permanence and destruction at one and the same moment, therefore really speaking, the substance is (the substratum ofall the three.) पर्यायोंका उत्पाद विनाश होता है, द्रव्यत्व का 062ft farang TET ZIT- in a substance some modification originates and some other passes away; but the substantiality neither originates nor is destroyed. गुण और पर्याय ही द्रव्य नाम से कहे जाते
- The substance, which is not different from its initial) existence, develops of its own accord some other quality, leaving the one; therefore modifications in qualities are further called the substance. द्रव्य की स्वयं सत्ता है - If the substance is not anexisting entity, it must be either non existing something else than a substance in either case how can it be substance ? therefore the substance is self existent. som RM ? That condition, which in fact, forms the nature of the substance, is quality which is not different from its initial existence; that existing entity established in its nature is the substance; this is the doctrine of the Jina. द्रव्य स्वयं सत्ता है - There is nothing as quality, nor as a modification in the absence of a substance; that substantiality is (a condition) of positive existence; therefore the substance is existence itself. Dravya (567) - Substance - That which exists is a substance. That which has qualities and modes is a substance,
S-5/29, 38.