(143) farmere patrimonia (Difference be- Dina-Forlorn. tween Sveltāmbaras and Digambaras) Di natā - - Wretchedness. - The principal writers who have con
Quranit – (Deepāvali) - A clear cut tributed to the philosophical literature
record is available that the Nirvāṇa of of Jainism fall in two distinct lines, that
lord Mahāvira took place in that last of the Svetāmbaras and that of the Digambaras. While the Digambaras
quarter of the night of the Caturdaši of insist upon nudity as essential in ascetic
krsnapaksa of the month of Kārtika, life, and question the authenticity of the
i.e., in the early hours of the Amāvasyā; canonical works, recognised by the
and both gods and men celebrated this Svetämbaras, and while they are di
occasion as the Dipāvali festival. vided in the matter of certain miscella- Dipta taporddhi - arat ut for neous dogmas such as the possibility of Acquisition of great radiance of the spiritual emancipation of women there body and of the power of great enduris no important difference in their ance. plilosphical tenets. And yet the two Dipti - Gifs - Effulgence. traditions run in separate lines, the writers of one sect rarely quoting or Dirgha dars i algsit - Far sighted. referring to those of the other. Dirgha vrttakara - दीर्घवृत्ताकार - elDigpāla - far9169 - Lords of the quar
Doşa - 19 - Fallacy, Defects. Dik-face - Space, Facade.
Do thappe-Tout-Double die struck. Disa - vidis a-fen - fargen - Direc- Dravyatva - Gafa - Fluidity. tion, Extra direction.
Dosanirghatana vinaya - दोषनिर्घातनDivasa - Foch - Time which is equal
विनय - Discipline qua eradication of to thirty muhūrtas.
passions. Divasa p rtbaktva - Fara gerora 3-9, Dosadhana - CUTET - Slandering. days, day separation.
Drsțā - Çel - Witness. Divyadhvani - दिव्य ध्वनि-Omniscient
Drsțānta - Gere-Example, familiar revelation in the formofoņkārasound, divine voice, miraculous divine sound
instance. forming omniscient's preachings.
Drsti - ste - Faith, heresy. Diksa - Sten - Initiation. Drstivadopadesiki - दृष्टिवादोपदेशिकी Diksita - Crema - Initiated.
- Backed by spiritual knowledge. alfata - (Dikșita) - Disksita is not
Drśya krama - 699 94 - Observable one who kills goats and other animals Order. in sacrifices, but one whose daily sac
Drsya citra - Gefah - Landscape. rifice. consists in friendliness towards
Drsya kalā - 89 - Visual art. all creatures.
Y.C.P. 421.
Drśyamāna - Gper17 - Visually.