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(112) Upacara Chala - उपचार छल - Formal Chedopasthapana caritra-छेदोपस्थाfraud.
I alifa) - The standpoint of Samanya Chala - ETHIRT UT - Gen- reinitiation. eral fraud.
Chedaganita - छेद गणित - Logarithm Challe - Foot - Ringlets.
Calculation. 365 - Chandana · Chandanā is Chedopasthāpanā caritra-Selyem4a concerned with the invitation of the gifts - Conduct of reinitiation. superior or the fellow monks to take Chidrānves ana-Reggae 97 - Prying whatbas been brought, as amonk should
into others faults or weaknesses. not keep anything secret.
Chidrayukta - Forsyth - Perforated. Āvašyaka niryukti, V. 697.
Chinna - fon - Sound, Light, Wave, Chatari - sakt - Crowning kiosk
propagation. canopy. Chatra - 591 - Canopy, Parasol. Chatravahaka-छत्रवाहक-Umbrella bearer. Chatra traya - 95514 - Triple parasol. Jaļa - 115 - Unconscious. Chatrakaravitana - छत्राकार वितान -
Jadavāda - 515916 - Materialism. Ceiling canopies.
जड़वाद की आलोचना - Criticism of -Chādya · ETE- Eave - projection. materialism - Consciousness cannot be Chāgalika - grife10 - A butcher. found in a collocation of matter, beChāyā - 5741 - Image, Shadow.
cause, though the senses are constituted Chaya mapa - छाया माप - Shadow
of matter and apprehend things sever
ally, they cannot give rise to unity of reckoning.
Sūtra P.16. Chāyā-pudgala paryāya - Bren
If consciousness is regarded as a secreYGS 2474 - Shadow (mode of tion of matter, it must be a composite pudgala).
substance, every atom emanating a disCheda - 56 - Suspension, Degrada- tinct consciousness. Key P.45. tion, mutilation, section, Logarithm.
The nature of material entities being Cheda - - Multilation - Mutilation
different, conscionsness can not be found
in their collocation. is cutting off of limbs such as the ear and the nose. S-7/25.
Šāstra - P.22. Cheda - - Suspension - Discount
If some fine matter responsible for selfing the period of prenance by a week,
experience and having no colour etc. is a fortnight, a month, etc. is suspension.
supposed, then, for the Carvāk the fifth S-9/22.
element is proved. Chedopasthapana छेदोपस्थापना-Re- Sloka - P.29. (Verses 115-116). covery of equanimity after downfall. Jagat - IT - Universe.