(111) and a great follower of Jainism. He had Citrasamyojana-
f eira -Scheme ten sons and seven daughters. The el- of illustration. dest daughter was Priyakariņi, who Citra-fan-Earth (With 1000 yojana was married to king Siddhārtha of in the middle). Kuņdapura, and they had the rare for- Citta - Fara - Citta is the quality of tune of becoming the parents of lord
consciousness of the soul. S-2/32. Mahāvira.
Citta sthairya - fara mitet - Fickleless Cetana - 99 - Animate, Psychical. of mind. Cetana -II-Consciousness, vigour. Cora kathā - an - Theft gossip, Cetana - Karma phala - Ana - stories of deception, stealing etc.
4f4e- Consciousness functional re- Coti aici - Summits. sult.
Cūlika Ercan - Special presentaCetana dravya - Im Gal - Thinking tion, Appendix. substance.
Cūnā - 9 - Mortar, Stuccoo. Ceteana tattva - चेतन तत्त्व - Con
Curņa ma ñjāsā - u Hagu - Powsciousness, Sentience. .
der box. Cidamsa - facit - Spirit part. Cūrņapātra - qu9a - Powder flask. Cikanā - F29571 - Smooth.
Curpisūtra-zforga - Epithet, AphoCinha - Fare - Emblem.
rism. Cintana - farti - Reasoning. Cyävita - Zilan - Cast off. Cintā - farci - Induction, discursive Cyūta. aya - Swerved, Expired. thought, Contemplation.
Cūdāmaņi - Forfor - Crest jewel.. Cintanirodha - Fatiha - Confine- Calika - चूलिका - Crest. ment.
Cūrpa yoga dosa . quf M Ft - Cipata - Fayz - Squat.
Obtaining food by imparting formulas Cit-forc-Consciousness, Intelligence. for the preparation of beautifying powCiti - Fara - Measure of a pile of bricks ers etc. consciousness, The material substra- Cūsana . HT - Sucking. tum of memory. Citrakalā - FEITI - Painting. Citrala acarapa - fast SRUT - Variegated conduct. Citra phalaka - f95144706 - Panel..
Chadmastha - grey - A being inCitra vallari - Fabaceti - Frieze.
volved in the world, A non-omniscient
being. Citravicitra - Farfaraz - Variegated. Citrātmaka - Faal4 - Graphical.
Saint of the twelfth stage. Citrapa - Fergus - Provenance.
Chala - 06- Pretence, Fraudulent argument, Casuistry, Fraud.
Eg (Ch) 11