Caya - चय
Common difference.
Caya dhana--Common differ
ence sum.
Caksuşatva - चाक्षुषत्व - Visibility. चालुक्य राजागण - The Cālukyas were aruling line of powerful kṣatriyas, who ruled throughout the Bombay presidency, Deccan and Mysore state during the 5th to 12th Centuries A.D. Their ancestors belonged to the royal house of Candravans i Ksatriyas of Ayodhyā, the central seat of Jainism from hoary antiquity. The Calukyas were without doubt, great supporters of Jainism.
A. 82.
सत्याश्रय पुलकेशिन द्वितीय - (Satyā śraya Pulakesina II) He succeeded to the Calukyan throne in 609 A.D. and was a great monarch of his time, had a great leaning towards Jainism. He Made a grant to the beautiful Jaina temple at Aihati constructed by Ram Kirti, the celebrated Jaina poet. तैलप द्वितीय (Tailapa II) of the western Calukyas had a strong attachment for the religion of Jinas. His Queen was the Rastrak u ta princess. He patronised the great Kannada poet Ranna, who wrote Ajitapurana in A.D. 993. सत्याश्रय इरिव - Satyā śraya Iriva ruled from A.D. 997 to A.D. 1009. He is believed to be a follower of Jainism. सोमेश्वर प्रथम (SomeśvaraI) - Succeeded Jayasimha III. The former ruled from 1042 to 1068 A.D. and the latter from 1018 to 1042. Both of them were devout Jainas.
विक्रमादित्य षष्ठ त्रिभवनमल -
Vikramaditya VI Tribhavanamalaruled from 1074 to 1126 A.D. He was the
paramount ruler of the Deccan. He started an era after his name in commemoration of his crowning ceremony as king. He built many Jaina temples. A. 81-83. Camaradhara - चामरधर - Flywhisk bearer.
चामुण्डराय (Cāmūn darāya) Cām ūndaraya was the worthy minister of Mārasimha II. It is the heroism of this minister that enabled Mārasimha II to win his great battles against Vijjala and those fought at Gonur and Uccng i. Camun darayacomposed a work called Camundaraya Purana, containing an epitome of the history of the 24 Tirthamkaras.and at the end its date is given as saka 900, the year Isvara (A.D.. 978). It is said, in the opening chapter, that his lord was the Ganga kula Cudamani Jagadaikavira Nolambakulantaka deva, and that he was born in Brahma - Kṣatra Vam sa. In the concluding chapter it is said that he was the disciple of Ajita - sena. Camun daraya constructed the image of Gommatesvaraat Sravanabelagolā. For such a great act he himself came to be known as Gommața rāya. Nemicandra, the preceptor of Camuṇḍarāya was present on the occassion of the establishment of Gommate svara. Dr. Introduction. Cara gati - चारगति - Four channels. Carakṣetra -- Orbital space. Carana-R-An ascetic possessed of an extraordinary power of move
Caranata - चारणता - Flying through air.