(108) Caramabindu - 4 fare - Culminat- important for the practice of austerities ing point.
like fasting, giving up food at night and Carama deha - ERAGE - One who fortnighitly confession. attains liberation in the same birth, Ul
Caturmukha - agya - Fourtold, A timate body.
type of shrines or shrine or shrine - Carmotkarşa - akhirat - Heyday, model with openings on all the four culmination.
sides. Caramottama deha . RATHGE -
Caturthamsa - agurft - Quarter. Those endowed with final superior bod- Caturindriya, agritse - Four sensed. ies are those with final superior bodies. Caturthabhakta - ageftat - A kind of That is, those who have reached the end fast. of the cycle of births and deaths, those Caturthaccheda . ageres - Log to who will attain liberation in the same the four. birth.
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Caturvim satijinastuti- चतुर्विंशतिजिनCaramaphali patanakala- चरमफली
yfa- Praise of the twenty four jinas. 9894149 - Ultimate frustule fall time.
Caturvim satipatta-चतुर्विंशतिपट्ट- A Carita - afar - Conduct
stela frieze or image with the twenty Caran anuyoga - चरणानुयोग - Sacred four Tirthamkara figures. books on denotology, Denotology Eth
Catuska - angiot - Square. ics, seriptures dealing with the conventional conduct of house-holders.
Catuski - agatat - Entablature, Bay, Caraña - akut - Ascetic conduct.
Space between four pillars, same as Caryā -apt- Activity, Moving about.
Catuskoņa-aguonto- Quadrangular, Caryā pariş aha . apa fine - Pain
Quadrangle. arising from roaming. Cattāna - aeth - Boulder.
Catus taya - Egey - Fourfold. Caturā hāravisarjana
__Catusthanika anubhaga - चतुस्थानिक चतुराहारविसर्जन-Refraining from the four
34747 - Four stationed energy. kinds of food.
Catusthānika anubhāga satkarma. Caturasra - agra - Quadrilateral.
चतुस्थानिक अनुभाग सत्कर्म - Four staCaturāvarta - agrand-Turning round
tioned energy existent functional bios in the four directions of space.
Caukora - Elicot - Four sided. Caturbhuja - aps - Quadrangles.
Caumukha atya - Four faced. Caturbhuji - agyft - Teragonal.
Caura prayoga - atyam - Imparting
instruction on the method of commitCaturdaši - agesit - Fourteenth day ting theft. of the fortnight in the month. Caurarthādāna. Elgetera - ReceivCaturdaš i - agerit - Fourteenth day ing stolen property. in each fortnight which is particularly Caurya - altet - Stealing.