(102) atoms, arranged in geometrical pro- tuffrancata - Apratipātin - infallible gression with an incalculable common
Tag - Saile sa-Motionless asamounratio, transplanted from the mass of
tain. karmic matter that would have come to rise after antarmuhurta for the sake of
Gun avrddhi - Turakasa - Increasing their premature exhaustion by fruition
series and (4) an unprecedented type of bond- Guņa sam krama - TT 14 - Transage of small, duration ( apūrva - ference of Karmic matter
oftibaridhia) whose length is much Guņa sa ikalana - Tu Ti - Mulsmaller than that of the duration hith- tiple summation erto bound. The soul undergoes yet
Gunasren i ayama - गुणश्रेणी आयाम another (5) sub process known as transference of karmic matter
- Multiple progression length. (Guņasamkrama). By this process a Guņasren i nikṣepa - quo stuit foreta portion of the karmic matter of the - Multiple progression injection. inauspicious types of karman is trans
Gun asamya • गुणसाम्य - The same ferred to some other types of karman.
degree. The mass of karmic matter thus transferred increases every moment until
Gunasreni niksepagra - गुणश्रेणी the end of the apūrvakaraṇa process. F 90- Multiple progression injected At the end of this process the knot last nisus of minimal finishing. (Granthi) is cut never to appear again. Guņaś ren i sirsa - Turstungen -
S.J.P. 271-272
Multiple seies/progression top. यथाप्रवृत्तकरण, अपूर्वकरण तथा
Gun asthana - गुणस्थान - Spiritual 3ifrafratura funt – The resut stages, The various types of spiritual of yathāpravștta karaṇa, development, Control station, Geometapūrvakarana and anivșttikarana) - ric progression. The first process of Mithyadrstigunasthana- मिथ्यादृष्टि yathāprav rttakarana leads one face to
Tree - Illusive vision control station. face with the knot, and the second pro
Sasadana gunasthana . सासादन cess of apūrvakarasa enables one to
गुणस्थान- Control station of fall from cross it, while the third process of anivrttikara ņa leads the soul to the serenity. verge of the down of the first enlight- Mišra guş asthā na. fra - enment that comes like a flash on ac- Mixed control station. count of the absolute subsidence of the Asamyata gun asthāna - 3774 karmic matter of the vision deluding
Turn-Non regulated control station. (mithyātvamohan iya) karman.
Samyatāsamyata guṇasthāna ·
Vibh. 1203. समुच्छिन्न क्रिया (Samucchinna kriya -
संयतासंयत गुणस्थान - Regulatedcumnon
regulated control station. Bereft of all vibration)