(101) 14. अयोगकेवली - Ayogakevali- The यथाप्रवृत्तकरण की प्रक्रिया (The process last is the stage where even this yoga of yathāpravrtta karaṇa) - By the disappears. The stage immediately af- yathāprav rtta karana the soul is ter the disappearance of yoga is called confornted with the concentrated force greindarit Ayogakeval i The siddha of the passions, and the other two state is considered to be a transcenden
karañas enable the soul to overpower tal stage. Therefore it is considered to
and transcend the force. The force of the be beyond this classification of passions was there from all eternity. But Guņasthānas. It is purely metemperical
it is only on some occasions that the soul and therefore description by difference
is feelingly conscious of this force. Such of degree will have no meaning with
consciousness means coming face to reference to this transcendental Ego.
face with the knot (granthi). This conअधः प्रवृत्तकरण से पूर्व की चार लब्धियाँ (The
sciousness is the work of the process four stages of achievement (Labdhi) of
called Yathāpravrttakaraņa. During purification before the soul reaches the
this process the soul undergoes progres
sive purification every instant, and binds adhabpravrttakaraṇa) - The
the Karmic matter of appreciably less Labdhis āra distinguishes four stages
duration. Furthermore, there is increase of the achievement (Labdhi) of purifi
in the intensity of the bondage of auscation before the soul reaches the
picious karmas accompanied with the adhabpravrtta Karaņa. They are (1) a
decrease in the intensity of the bodnage certain measure of dissociation - cum
of inauspicious karmas. And as a result subsidence (Kśayopašama) of the
the soul gets an indistinct vision of the karmic matter, (2) the consequent pu
goal of its tiresome Journey. This, we rification (višuddhi) (3) The opportu
think, is the implication of the concepnity of getting the instructions (dešanā) tion of granthi and the soul's coming of the enlightened stages and (4) face to face with it. Prāyogya or the reduction of the dura
S.J.P. 271. tion of all the types of karman except अपूर्वकरण की प्रक्रिया - The process of theayuh - karman to less than koțākoți
Apūrvakaraña During the process of years as well as the reduction of the
apūrvakaraña the soul undergoes such intensity of the inauspicious karmas.
purification as has colossal effect on the The fifth Labdhi comprises the three
duration and intensity of the bondage of karanas of which the first is
new karmas as well as accumulated adhahpravrtta karaņa.
ones. This is made possible by the folLabdhisāra 3-7.
lowing four sub-processes which begin 3d (Antarmubūrta - Less than
simultaneously from the very first inforty eight minutes.
stant of the main process (1) DestrucAKUT (The karanas) The karaņas are tion 'of duration (Sthitighāta) (2) Despiritual impulses that push the soul to struction of intensity (Rasaghāta) fulfil its mission and realize the goal. (3) The construction of a complex series
S.J.P. 271.
(Gunaśren i) of the groups of karmic