Khattaka-at - Elaborately carved projecting niche resembling one window. Khatva nga - €415 - Human skull placed on a bone (Attribute of a terrific divinity). Khura - (CT) - Lowest moulding of the basement, Vedi bandha) Kilvișika - fosfrafrat - Menials. Kim vadanti - för agri - Legendary. Kimkiņi - Forfars uit - Rattle. Kirana samudaya - foot HYGT4 - Multitude of rays. Kicaka - 218104 - Atlas. Stunted figure supporting a lead or superstructure. Kīlika - Golfstar - Very weak joint. Kilita samhanana - कीलित संहनन - Synorchrodial, articulation constitution. Kinara - fart - Edge. Kinnara - fotoap - Demi gods. Kinnara and Kimpurusa (forte 7991 F-464) - These are two lords of kinnaras.
S-416 Kiranoddhipta vrtta- किरणोद्दीप्त वृत्त - Rayed circle. Kirtana - aitafa - Extolling. Kirtimukha - lffye - Lion-like head constituting an art design of symbolical significance. Kişku - Foto voto - Cubit (Hand). Klanta - OKI - Afflicted. Klesa. Ostet - Torments, Anguish, Afflictions, Mortification. Kliş ta - forte - Painful. Kliśyamā na-faturuan - Tormented.
Klisyamana - forge7419 - The afflicted- are those who suffer from anguish and distress on therise of unpleasing feeling producing karmas. S-7/11 Kolahalayukta-कोलाहलयुक्त- Hurly burly. Komalatā - 7457am - Tenderness, Meakness, Delicacy. antifrauf - (Konguni Vermā) - King Konguni Vermā, who was also called Didiga was the founder of the great ruling dynasty of South India called the Gangas. Prior to their advent in the south, the Gangas ruled in northem India in the Gangetic valley and belonged to the Iksavākurace. Somewhere in the second century A.D. they branched off in a southerly direction. Didiga and Mādbava, the two princes of the Ganga dynasty came to the town perur in southi India, where they met the Jaina ācārya Si mhanand ī, both the brothers bowed before the great teacher, who gave them instructions in the doctrine of Syādvāda and obtained for them a boon from the goddess Padmāvat i confirmed by the gift of a sword and the province of a kingdom. The saint also gave the brothers the following advice: “If you fail in what you promise, if you descend from the Jain Sāsana, if you take the wives of others, if you become addicted to liquors or flesh, if you associate with the base, if you give not to the needy, if you flee in battle, your race will go to ruin." With the lofty Nandairi as their fortress kuvalal as their capital and with the blameless Jina as their lord, victory as their companion on the battle field, the Jinvāņi as their faith and with ever increasing greatness the kings Didiga