and internal austerities is pure knowl. edge. or it means without the help of anything else.
S-1/9 2010 311 (Kevala Jñana - Perfect knowledge) - Faults and obstructions are totally destroyed in some soul, be- cause of degrees in their destruction like the destruction of the internal and external dirt on account of the proper causes. The subtle future, past and distant things like the fire etc. which can be known must be directly comprehensible by some one. This establishes the possibility of omniscience
Apta-verses-4, 5 Knowledge attains its highest limit in some soul because of its manifestation in degrees like the magnitude in space.
Sloka - 1/29/28 There is a soul comprehending directly all the entities of the universe because its nature is to comprehend them and because along with this there is the destruction of obstructions. That which has the nature of comprehending some- thing alongwith the possibility of the removal of obstructions, comprehends that directy, as the visual knowledge free from the obstructions of darkness etc. comprehends colour (rūpa) there must be some soul which along with nature of comprehending all things enjoy the removal of all obstructions.
Nyaya P. 91. The kevalaj frāna has been said to be embracing all the substances and their modes.
Tattva - 1/29 Just as the traces of the past and future events are present in the same way the cognitive traces of the past and future modes become present. P.T.D.P. - 50
The objects of all sided knowledge (asil a fall) - Since things have many characters (that is, may be conceived from many points of view) they are the objects of all sided knowledge (omniscience). Kevala Jñā nāvarana (01516229)- Perfect knowledge screen. Kevala samudghāta 2006 416 - Omniscient overflow. Kevalānvay, hetu/Anumāna-aMirepit / 34747 - Absolute concordant affirmative inference. केवली - He who has attained lordship of peaceful perfection, whose inflow (371a) is wholly stopped, (who is about to be) entirely freed from particles of karmic dust and whose vibratory activity has ceased (such a perfect) soul is a non-vibrating (Ayoga) omniscient lord (kevali in the 14th stage). G.J. 48 Keval i ocit -The souls completely freed from the knowledge obscuring karmas are the omniscients. They possess perfect knowledge. S-6/13 केवली के इन्द्रियजन्य सुख दुःख नहीं हैं - (The omniscient lord does not suffer from the sense generated pleasure or pain) - Because in the omniscient lord attachment, aversion and knowledge depending on senses are destroyed, he does notsuffer from the sense generated pleasure or pain caused by the operation of sātā-vedan iya (pleasure generating karma) or asāsatāvedan iya (Pain generating karma). Keval i prajñapta dharma (Harit प्रज्ञप्त धर्म)- Religion as propounded by the omniscient.