Taina Pāribhāsika Sabdakosa
the Gandutaka in the form of the Dadasinya (twelvep l canonical works) propounded by the Arials ((TEYZ r as (ford founders)). SAMSUD 2-jah Dateli Mpya dualasa mga ganipidagi
characterized by the Frasama (tranquillity), Sampega (fear of transmigration or desire of Mokşa). Nirveda (detachment froin Sensual objects), Anukampa compassion and Astikya (faith in the
Dictionary of Technical Terms of Jainism
(English Version)
Raght knowledge-Acang emancipation the studies of the Daildasutigi (12 principal camo-nical works).
1. The Ruci (faith in the Tattras (categories of truth) of one by which one can attain the right knowledge tree from doubt and
whols Santyagirsti (2) perversmes
2. The liva skjal) which is possessed of Saryagedirsti (1). Tabii Samyag aviparyastay stilt inapra itavustutattvaratipattirys SA samyagirsti.
(Prajita 19.1 Vr Pu 240) Santyagdarśana (Naiscayika)
1. Enlightened world-view (transcendental)-The right faith of the liv soul) emergent upon the kşaya antallationetc
taguitatuavedaniya Darsana sep-taka (those seven sub-types of geldi
The sub-ture of Molanima doluding) Karm, by which there Udan (heel of which is responsible for prevents
Santuaktua (right faith) and Millyatou (perverse - (righi faith)), viz., the four sib-types of Amen
tot Bertipurification of the Padgalas materia passions causing endiss transmigration and
sible for Mithfuithere prevails helthen Dersantamohaniya (ylew-deltidmg) Karate
modifica-tions of substances of faith in arkadabhikita se sadrav yaparya
ories of truth), non completely that of disbelief in tads yagli istinithy aslat san dhikasa yuksaya dipradurblia
rotattesa Sraddha-ratat mai sauvagdaramcjate.
ARENA Deduate_tanmi-stavedaniyam, Set Samyukten Naiscarika.
2. Those Nawas (non-absolutistic stanie Stringed together in the thread of relativement
परस्परोपग्रहो जीवानाम् atriyadarsana Savagdarsana):just as the gems stringed in a single
(Bhuga 1.233) anecklace
Sangagunityuton Vedant jahapim te ceva manifahayumanisesabltagapa-dinandha frayanúvall' ti bilamaijaliti pūdikkasenian tale sve mountyn jalinandoitustaustati,
Samyagmithyanesti sammaddamsa nasadda ne taha tid visesausa
2. The third Jivustata/ Gurtustüra (stage of spiritual development
the party of the fiva (soul), posseshed of the Ruci (faith in the
Tattuus (categories of truth), which is a mixture of both the right Samyagdarśante (Vyavahüriku)
(Sammy) and perverse (mit ). Enlightened world-view (pragmatic)- A constituent of the
samyag i mithya cu arstitasyeti samyagmi-tharstih. Mokşamürga (pathos the Ruci (taith in the latters
(category of truth)