Review on a manuscript of Florence containing 150 moral stanzas, some of which are found in the 'Sinduraprakara', the Subhasitavali", etc., which correspond to the 'Indische Spruche' published by BORTLINGK. Text of 20 of these stanzas.
J. BURGESS-The Satrunjaya Mahatmyam, (Indian Antiquary, vol. XXX, Pp. 239251 et 288-308). Bombay, 1901.
Translation of the memoir of WEBER. This version leaves sideways all the historical introduction and has for object only the analysis of the 14 chapters of the "Satruhjayamahatmya". As a set-off, it contains some important additions, and it is enriched with numerous notes.
P. E. PAVOLINI--Il compendio dei cinque elementi. Pancatthiyasamgahasullam I. Testo (Giorn le della Societa asiatica italiana, vol. XIV, Pp. 1-40). Firenze, 1901.
General characters of the 'Pancatthiyasamgahasutta' or 'Parayanasara", work of Kundakundacarya. The language. The scansion. The manuscripts. Edition of the text, with information about the contents of each stanza according to the commentary of Amritacandra.
Saptabhangt Tarangint by Vimaladasa. Edited by P. B. ANANTACARYA muktavali, n. 8). Conjeeveram, 1901.
Jain Education International
Treatise of logic attributed to Vimaladasa or Vimaladeva. Edition of the text with a short preface or some notes.
J. VINSON-Literature tamoule ancienne: le Sulamani (Revue de linguistique et de philologie comparee, vol. XXXIV, Pp. 305-339). Paris, 1901.
General considerations on the 'Salamani'. Age of the poem Author. Scansion. Analysis of the 12 cantos. French translation of the following passages: Invocation; preface; II, 24-30, V, 125 192; VII, 120-152, XII, 59-62,
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