G. BÜHLER-4 disputed meaning of the particles tts and cha, (Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes, vol. I, Pp. 13-20). Wien, 1887.
Explanation of the doctrine of 'Nemacandra on the particles 'iti' and 'ca", after the 'Linganuiäsana' and the 'Sabdanusasana".
F. KIELHORN-On the Grammar of Śakatayāna, (I.A. vol. XVI, Pp. 24-28).— Bombay, 1887.
Agreements among three grammarians Hemacandra, Śakatayana and Candra.
List of the treatises belonging to the grammar of Sakaṭāyana. Analysis of the 'Sabdanusasana' or text of the sutras. General characters of this work. Comparison with Pänini.
Robert Needham Cusr-Linguistic and Oriental Essays written from the year 1847 to 1887. Second Series, London, 1887.
Jain Education International
Pp. 67-68. The Jains have played a great part in the history of India, and left an enormous literature behind them. RHYS DAVIDS is of opinion, that the few Buddhists who were left in India at the Mahomedan conquest of Kashmir, in the twelfth century, preserved an ignoble existence by joining the Jain sect, and by adopting the principal tenets as caste and ceremonial observations of the antecedent Hindu creeds-One of the chief features of the Jain religion is their extreme respect for animal life.
H. JACOBI-Ueber unregelmassige passiva im Prakrit, (Kuhn's Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Sprachforschung, vol. XXXVIII, Pp. 249-256). Gutersloh, 1887.
Study on three classes of irregular passive forms borrowed from the Jaina Mähäräştri.
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